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With the air rippling through his soft curls, the rain splashing his face like cold water and his heart beating faster and faster by the second, Regulus sighs in victory. He pumps the air, satisfied.

"That's it, Black, let's get you back out there!" His coach, Devlin, shouts, her long blonde hair wrapped up in a tight low bun, strands swooshing around her face as she grins up at him. "Hell yeah! Here we come, Magpies! Here we fucking come!" She yells. "Back on top!" She cries out.

Regulus beams down at her as he soars down. Devlin pats his back. "So, how's it feel to be back, champ?" She chuckles.

"Amazing," Regulus breaths. "It's brilliant," 

"We've missed you, y'know," Devlin says. "Glad you're back on your broom, how's the little one, then?"

"He's great, Finn's great," Regulus loves to talk about his son. His tiny little, almost one year old baby boy, with bright grey eyes and a head of messy dark hair, a mischievous smile to go with it, to finalize his appearance. "He'll be one next month,"

"That'll make more than a year you've played," Devlin hums. "You feeling rusty? Should I keep you on the bench for next Saturday?" She raises an eyebrow.

Regulus shakes his head, his wet hair sticking to his forehead. "No," He answers firmly. "Don't even suggest that, you know how bad I want this," He adds. "How bad I need this,"

Devlin smiles, proud. "Good," She pats his back. "That's what I like to hear. So come out here Saturday and make us winners, eh?"

Regulus chuckles, promising to do his best.

"What?!" Regulus snaps, his head turning in the direction of his boyfriend. "What do you mean you can't take care of Finn on Saturday? James, I need you to take care of him on Saturday,"

James shakes his head. "Reg, I'm busy. I've got a list of clients I need to see-"

"Clients that would be more than happy to see the Magpies win rather than get their bloody new brooms!" Regulus argues.

James scoffs. "It's my job, Regulus! I have to be there Saturday,"

"This is my job, James!" Regulus cries. Finn begins to stir in his arms and he already regrets shouting at James while holding his son.

Finn begins to wail, his small fists gripping Regulus' jersey. Regulus shushes him softly. "Come on now, my little star, hush, c'mon, hush," He soothes gently, bouncing Finn tenderly, caringly, lovingly. "Shush, you're okay. Mummy didn't mean to shout,"

"See!" James argues. He gestures to his boyfriend and his son. "You're...you're just so good with him, s'why you should be at home with him!"

"Excuse me?" Regulus barks.

"I just mean.....I mean you should consider staying home, y'know, full time,"

"What?!" Regulus exhales. "You want me to quit my job, as a professional quidditch player?!" He says exasperatedly.

"Well, it would mean that one of us wouldn't have to arrange when the others going to be home. C'mon, Reggie, it'll be easier this way-"

"I don't want easy! I want to play quidditch, a-and get dirty and sweaty and....and....and catch snitches!"

"Regulus, you're being irrational, come on, darling," James gently strokes his cheeks, a soft look in his brown eyes. "You look so good holding our son, you two are made for each other," He says softly.

Regulus shakes his head. "I'm playing Saturday, and I'm playing whenever they need me to. I'm not quitting my job. I'm not your damn housewife!" Regulus curses softly, handing Finn to James and venturing off towards their bedroom, shutting the door tightly behind him.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now