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James takes a sip of his butter beer, his arm round Regulus' waist, his finger gently and discreetly brush against his clothed belly; any evidence of their child covered and hidden just for them to see. He feels Regulus nuzzle his head against James' neck. "You alright, love?"

Regulus hums. "Mmh. Just a little nervous for Remus to open his card,"

James chuckles. "Don't be," He kisses the top of Regulus' head. "God, I can't wait to see their faces," He smiles softly. "Oi, Moony," He calls Remus over, Sirius trailing besife him; their hands intertwined. They'd been talking to one of Remus' college mates and James is sure they were glad to get away for a moments peace.

"Mmh?" Remus asks, sitting down opposite his friends. "You two alright? You're not drinking, neither of you are," He points out with a small, slightly tipsy smirk.

James had opted to venture upon a journey of sobriety during Regulus' pregnancy. He wants to support Regulus in any way he can. Even if it means no more drunkenly shared kisses.

"S'not like you too, eh," Sirius grins lopsidedly as he takes a seat beside Remus. He presses a kiss to his cheek. "Mmh, birthday boy," He grins cheekily. James suspects Sirius will give Remus his gift when it is just the two of them later on.

Regulus and James share a look, James glancing down at his boyfriend with adoring eyes as he gently grazes his knuckle across Regulus' already filling out cheeks. He's always been skinny, and frail and pale, but now; he's got warmed, rosy cheeks.

"We uh," Regulus starts softly, extending the little envelope towards his brother in law. "We wanted to give guys both a present, in a way," He stammers.

James gently squeezes his hip. He grins softly at a stuttering Regulus. He nods towards Remus, who's got the white envelope in his delicate grasp. "Go on! Open it, Moony," He urges.

Remus furrows his eyebrows as he attempts to open the envelope. He turns to Sirius. "You want to help?" He asks.

Sirius smiles with a nod. And together, they open the envelope. Remus reaches in for the card, Regulus assumes he's missed the other contents of the envelope.

Opening it, Remus clears his throat. "Er, dear Moony." The corners of his lips turn upwards as he reads. "Happiest of birthdays, lots of hugs and kisses, Prongs, Reg and...." Remus scrunches his nose as he reads on. "...Lux.." He trails.

Sirius looks towards his brother and best friend. "Who the bloody hell is Lux? You two gone off and gotten a pet, eh?" He chuckles softly.

"There's something else in the envelope for you, Pads," James grins. He can already feel his eyes growing wet. "Moony, look inside the envelope,"

Remus opens the envelope further and feels all the air leave his lungs as he gasps. "Oh, Merlin," He whispers softly, bringing a hand to his mouth as his trembling fingers clutch the corner of a sonogram. "Shit, is this yours?" He looms to Regulus. "Is this yours?"

Regulus nods with a shy smile. "Eleven weeks," He whispers in a soft tone as he presses a hand gently to his soft belly. James' larger hand joins his not much later.

"A baby," Sirius whispers softly as he peers down at the sonogram in his husband's hands. "Oh God, you're having a baby," Astonishment rings within his tone. "Congratulations," He grins. "Lux? That's his name then? Wow,"

Remus stares at the sonogram. "Lux. Lux Potter," He smiles. "Little Lux Potter,"

James nods with a beaming smile as his hands remain over Regulus' belly. "Uh huh," He states. "Coming to a quidditch pitch near you," He laughs softly. "Lux Finneas Potter," He holds Regulus close as he gently pats his growing belly. "We've only know for a little while, since Reg was about six weeks but we wanted to keep it between us for a little while, just us,"

"The three of us," Regulus murmurs softly, looking up to James with a smiling gaze.

"I think this is one of the nicest presents I've ever gotten. Thank you, lads," Remus smiles. He takes in the sonogram. "He looks great,"

Sirius laughs. "He looks like a blob,"

"Hey!" Regulus rolls his eyes. "That's your bloody godson you're talking about,"

"My what?" Sirius halts his laughter. "M-my godson? Oh Merlin, you want me to be his godfather?!"

"You and Moony, both of you," James informs with a teasing smile. "After all, it is his birthday," He winks at Remus. "We meant to put it on the card but we'd already spent way too long arguing over his middle name,"

Regulus grins. "James likes Finneas, so Finneas it is," He says sternly. "It's called compromising,"

James smirks. "Hey now, I did not make that word up, idiot,"

"I know. You just expanded my vocabulary," Regulus teases. He already has quite an extensive vocabulary.

James pecks his forehead. "Mmh," He chuckles. "S'what I'm here for,"

"That and to make babies," Sirius teases and Regulus pokes his tongue out at him before kissing James softly.

Just wanted to dedicate a small chapter to Remus' big day! Hope you liked it!

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