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Regulus stares down at his nephew cradles in his arms. His nephew, Dean Harlow Black stares right back at him. Now, Regulus had never seen Remus Lupin as an infant, but he's sure little Dean is as close as they come to a carbon copy.

"Smitten, Reg?" Sirius grins at his younger brother.

"He's, he's two," Regulus breaths. "He's got your nose, Sirius, but everything else is all Remus," He says in awe.

Remus chuckles tiredly, Sirius' hand wrapped around him, protecting the mother of his child. "Think you'll pop out one soon? M'sure Dean would love a little cousin," Remus jokes with a soft grin.

James' eyes widen and Regulus just laughs. They share a small look before, "We'll give it some time. There isn't any rush," James waves his friends off. He looks to Regulus, who's got Dean snuggled against his chest. "Besides, can't get enough of this little fella. Wouldn't wanna steal his thunder," He gently strokes Dean's soft little cheek. "No, no, Dean, of course we wouldn't," James grins.

James gently takes his godson from his boyfriend's hands, cradling the little mousy haired boy close to him. He's got Remus' large chocolate eyes and small button nose and James is clearly endeared by him, Dean Black has his poor godfather wrapped around his finger already and he isn't even a month old.

The sight of James with a baby does unspeakable things to Regulus. It makes him feel all fluttery and floaty and he isn't quite sure why his belly feels all squirmy. He tilts his head, gazing at the scene before him as James gently shushes Dean.

Regulus feels the corners of his mouth turn upwards as he watches, enchanted, as James seems to be a natural with the small baby. James coos at the tiny piece of Sirius and Remus he's cradling and Regulus just can't tear his eyes away from them together.

He watches as Remus and James engage in some sort of conversation involving Dean. Sirius tuts as he pats his younger brothers shoulder. "Sick, are we?"

Regulus wrinkles his nose as he frowns. "M'not sick," He insists, unsure of where Sirius had grown this idea from. Regulus is the picture of perfect health right now. He doesn't look sick and he certainly does not feel sick.

Sirius sighs, sitting next to Regulus, glancing over at James and his son and husband, as if to ensure nobody could hear the brothers, before turning back to Regulus. "You're baby sick,"

Regulus squints. "Are we just making things up right now? Is that it? Are we playing a game?" He questions. Sirius just chuckles. "I'm confused," Regulus hums. "You never did make any sense, though, did you?"

Sirius ruffles his hair. "Hey! I'm a daddy now, so you've got to listen to me. I know baby fever when I see baby fever, Reggie. You haven't been able to take your eyes off of Prongs with Dean for the last twenty minutes," Sirius grins. "You, brother dear, want a baby,"

Regulus opens his mouth to speak but promptly closes it. Maybe Sirius has a point. Maybe he does want a baby. Maybe that is what the squishy feeling in his belly had been about.

Sirius just nods in triumph. "See! I was right, wasn't I? You want to have a baby with James,"

Regulus nods slowly with a small sigh. "I want to give James a baby. Look how happy he looks with your son," He murmurs softly, his eyes fixated on James' strong arms around Dean as he softly babbles to him occasionally. He feels like his heart is going to burst. "I want to make him that happy,"

Sirius frowns. "As long as you know you already make him happy, Reg. Even without a baby, you make Prongs the happiest I've ever seen him,"

"We've talked about babies before," Regulus says. "James has been ready for a long time but I just.....I can't," He mutters, embarrassedly.

"Because of..."

"Mum and dad, yes, because of mum and dad," Regulus finishes for him. They understand one another like that. When you grow up in a horrifically loud household, you learn to communicate silently.

Sirius just nods so Regulus continues. "I love James and I want a family with him but I'm not sure I can ever have a family again,"

"Family suck," Sirius agrees softly but then he chuckles. "Until you find the right one. It all seems like a heap of shit until you find somebody who gives you the tiniest little baby you've ever seen. I never thought I could do this either, Reg, but I had Remus. When I would freak out and think about our awful childhood, he was there. And you'll have James. So if you want to start trying for a baby, go for it,"

Regulus considers this. "Is it hard? To have a little person depend on you? Do you er think I could do it, Sirius?" He had hesitated before asking.

Sirius pats his brothers knee supportively. "I think you can do anything you want to do and if having a baby will make you happy, then get knocked up and give my little lad a play mate, eh, like you and I used to be," He chuckles.

Regulus laughs. Sirius grins softly as two sets of grey eyes gaze across the room to their lovers. "James will love you no matter what. Baby or no baby, don't think you have to have one because he seems happy with Dean," Sirius reminds softly.

Regulus nods. "I know, I know,"

He knows because it is due to the fact that James loves him that he had respected Regulus' reluctancy to have a baby. James has always expressed a large desire for a baby of his own. But Regulus' had always been filled with too much fear. He had always had too much self doubt. So they never had the conversation again.

James respects and marvels Regulus' strength for making it through the other side of the Black family. He is proud of his lover.

Soon, they floo back to their home, Dean long ago had been put down for the night and a tired Sirius and Remus' novelty had quickly worn off as they had yawned.

Regulus has two things his mind; James tending to a baby and the idea of giving James a baby.

They're laying in bed later that night, James' head rucked into Regulus' chest when he decides to say it. "I'm sick, James,"

James darts his head upwards, brown eyes searching for grey ones. "Sick? Are you ill, darling? Do you feel ill?"

Regulus chuckles, combing his fingers through James' hair. "M'not exactly a bad sick. I'm baby sick," When James looked at him with such confusion, Regulus sighs. He should've known not to quote Sirius. "What I'm trying to say, James, is that I want a baby. Our very own baby, mine and yours,"

James grins softly, leaning up to peck his lips as he cups his face. "You want a baby? Are you sure, sweetheart? I don't want to push you.....I know it might be a little scary for you," James says softly, cautiously.

Regulus nods slowly. "It'll be scary but I thought about it a lot earlier. I know it's soon, but I'm ready to start trying at least, I'm ready James," He says quietly.

James smiles. He strokes the pad of his thumb against Regulus' cheek, kissing his lips deeply. "Whenever you're ready, baby. You're going to make such a wonderful mama to our baby. I just know it," He whispers.

Regulus beams gently. "When I saw you with our godson, I just couldn't look away. It was amazing seeing you like that, like you were made to have a baby in your arms. You're already a natural." He teases softly.

Grinning, James chuckles. "I can't wait to start a family with you, Reg,"

"I can't wait to have a baby with you, J,"

Kind of short and sweet!

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