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"So...when were you gonna tell me you were, um, engaged?" Regulus swallows thickly, the knit scarf around his neck tugging irritatedly at his skin, scratching him more than James' other life seems to.

Snowdrops fall delicately onto the tips of Regulus' dark crown of hair, elegant dots of white blizzards placing themselves upon his cheeks, his cheeks along with the tip of his are rosy.

James appears to nervously look around, eyes darting guiltily, before he glances back to Regulus. Regulus can hear music inside. "Regulus-"

"No," Regulus speaks dryly. "Don't. Don't do that," He silences James. "When were you going to tell me that I have been sleeping with an almost married man?" He demands, voice growing frailer.

The thoughts of upsetting Lily Evans linger within Regulus' mind. He feels dirty, and used, and downright filthy. He's a bloody mistress, unknown to him, but still an evident fact

James shakes his head. "We can talk about this. was just a bit of fun, y'know? It was just some excitement. But it stops now, because I'm engaged-"

"Information you didn't supply me with-"

"I'm sorry! Alright!" James grunts. "But you have to go. Guests are inside, I'm getting married soon, it's some silly wedding party..." James trails. He shrugs. "And I don't remember sending you an invite, so why are you here?" He inquires, his voice wavering slightly.

Regulus' grimaces. He shakes his head, clearing his throat before, "I'm pregnant," He simply says, tone blank, voice void of any emoticons.

James blinks, his hazel eyes wide with rampaging feelings. "Regulus-"

Regulus scoffs. "Go back to your guests, James." He replies firmly. "I'm sure they're very excited for you. Congratulations, you'll make a great husband, just don't keep any fucking side pieces around, eh?" Regulus speaks with a dull tone of voice.

James stammers. "It's mine? I-is it mine?" Regulus simply stares at him, promoting James to fall feral and frantic. "Regulus, please. Answer me. Is it my baby?"

Regulus shudders, inhaling a shaky breath before he speaks agaim. "Well, unlike you, I've only been fucking one person for the last three months, so yes," He confesses. He's icy and distant, not that Regulus had ever been particularly warm to James, but he had certainty never been this cold, either.

Regulus turns to walk away, but James reaches out to grab his wrist. "You''re going to freeze out here,"

Regulus shrugs. "Not like you're going to be of much help, your wife to be is inside," He snarks slightly. He sighs, pulling his wrist from James' loosened grip. With stormy grey meeting soft hazel eyes, Regulus announces; "It's over. It should've never startred, goodbye, James,"

James gapes slightly as Regulus steps away, the snow crunching beneath his feet. It's coming down heavy.

"I should've told you!" James calls out. His voice is raspy, cracking slightly. "I should've told you about her,"

"Lower your voice, for fuck sake!" Regulus hisses, not bothering to them around despite stopping in his tracks. "If my brother knows I'm here, if he knows what we've done and what you've caused, he'll kill me,"

What you've caused.

James can not tell if Regulus means the entire unannounced affair or the pregnancy it had sprung about. He doesn't question it either, merely choosing to remain uncertain, Regulus words are eternalized in his mind by their lack of clarity.

Regulus shakily sighs before, "Y'know," He turns around. "As of right now, I can't help but bloody well wonder that maybe if Sirius and I hadn't become estranged, maybe then I would have known you were being unfaithful,"

"That's.....that's not fair-"

"I don't care,"

James swallows. He feels ashamed, guilt ridden, wondering how on earth he's going to return to the party, his party, and play the happy fiance Lily thinks that he is.

"She's such a sweet girl, Merlin, you've made me...well," Regulus shrugs as he tuts. "You've made me betray her in ways you can't even betray somebody you don't know,"

James shakes his head. "You're leaving, then?"

"I can't exactly head inside in for a cup of tea, can I, James? Can you imagine that?" Regulus mocks. "Hello, Mr and Mrs Evans, congratulations on your daughter's upcoming wedding and her new stepchild!" He grits.

"She....I....the baby....." James can't find words and this is how the conversation ends. Regulus slowly walks away, James feels something close, a chapter end, the final door is shut. He stares yearningly after Regulus' now disappeared silhouette.

"Hey, mate! What are you doing out here, eh? Slip away for a cigarette? Speaking of, have you got one I could bum? Remus doesn't like me smokin' in the house anymore, says we've gotta do it outside because of Odette," Sirius' voice is distamnt to James.

Odette. Their daughter. James allows himself a second to wonder sullenly is Regulus is having a girl or a boy. If he would have a son or a daughter.

James nods, his eyes sting with tears if frustration. He blinks them away. Sirius glances at him sideways, James can feel it.

For a slight second in time, James fears Sirius knows.

"What's wrong with you? You're all blue, come back inside and dance with your fiancée, her sister's sulking, I bet you could make her cry!" Sirius pauses his chuckling before, "Seriously, Prongs, what's going on? You're being funny,"

James shakes his head. "Just nervous about the wedding," He lies. He dreads he is going to be lying for every 'I love you' he shares with Lily from now on.

This one is kind of short and angsty. I hope you all liked it. I'm so sorry I'm horrible at updating lately but I am a person outside of writing these books, so thank you an endless amount to everyone who has been patient with me. You have no idea how nice it feels to be appreciated and not pressured or demanded into updating. Over 1000 words, let me know what you think! The title is of course a reference to the rerecordings!!!

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now