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James wishes he had never suggested it. He wishes he had never produced a muggle pregnancy stick because his boyfriend had simply slammed the bedroom door in his face while crying.

James had caused that crying by informing Regulus that the extra weight he was carrying is quite literally their baby, Remus and Sirius had even said so. James goes as far to suggest Regulus' sudden breakdown was in fact his hormones kicking in. That is also something Sirius and Remus had said would be a sign to watch out for.

Well, James promises himself to never listen to either of them ever again. They'd put him in the dog house. They weren't the ones who had to tend to as sobbing Regulus.

After a restless night spent in one of the guest bedrooms, James trudges down the stairs. He puts the kettle on to boil and slumps into a chair at the kitchen table.

Regulus enters clad in one of James' sweatshirts and a pair of pajamas pants. He helps himself to the tea, and James wordlessly gets up to get another mug. He sits down at the table once more, wary eyes on his volatile boyfriend.

The silence stretches between them until James ventures to break it. "What would you like for breakfast, love? You want some toast?"

Regulus seems far too absorbed in stirring his tea. Moments pass by as he remains silent. And then, without looking up, he quietly mutters, "I peed on your ruddy stick."

James' heart skips a beat. He ensures his voice is kept even. "What did it say?" He asks gently, not wanting to startle Regulus.

Regulus slowly purses his lips. "It didn't say anything," He replies dryly. "It just showed a......a cross?" He arches an eyebrow, finally looking to his boyfriend.

Heart beating rapidly now, James smiles softly. "That's a positive sign. It means you're pregnant." He whispers in disbelief.

The stirring of Regulus' morning tea ceases abruptly. However, his head remained bent, but there is tension in every line of his body.

"I don't want to be pregnant," He says in a small voice and James fears he may cry again; a habit Regulus had long trained himself out of at Walburga's fierce and forceful request.

James feels his stomach plummet quickly. He wants so desperately to say something, anything, but his mouth has gone so dry he doesn't think he could bring himself to speak. Perhaps his silence is much worse than whatever could come out of his mouth as Regulus hangs his head again, staring into his mug of tea.

"It wasn't supposed to happen this way," Regulus whispers. "You were supposed to propose to me in some ridiculously romantic way, then we would get married in a ceremony, like is expected of me, followed by a honeymoon where we n-never leave our hotel room and live only on champagne, strawberries and sex. Then, maybe five or ten years later, we would think about having a child." His eyes are filled with hurt and accusation. "Now it's all backwards, and it's all your fault!"

James' automatic response was to refute that it was not all his fault, but he catches himself in time. He wraps his warm hands around Regulus' much colder ones. "I'm sorry, love," He mumbles softly. "I didn't think it would happen this fast either, is this what upset you last night then?" He asks gently.

Regulus nods with a slight teary sigh. "It's all so soon, I just left school, y-you've been playing quidditch professionally for only two years. Don't you want more of that before you're forced to settle down with me?"

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now