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1. Regulus & Remus

"Hey, don't strain your back. I'll grab that," Remus ushers Regulus away as he reaches over the table himself to grab the box of strawberries. They're sitting in Remus' kitchen.

Regulus rolls his eyes with a smile. "You're knocked up too, silly,"

Remus grins, popping a strawberry into his mouth. "Yeah," He agrees with a mouthful of strawberry. "But m'not as knocked up as you," He teases.

"Yeah, yeah. Laugh it up. Just wait til you can't see your ankles," Regulus' scoffs, taking a strawberry for himself. "So, you got any names? S'girl, right?"

Remus nods with a soft grin. "Sirius likes Cassiopeia, Cassie for short, though. Cassiopeia Kathryn,"

"Oh, family tradition," Regulus hums softly. "Didn't think Sirius would be much for that," He smirks. "I like her name, it's nice. Little Cassie Black doesn't sound half bad," He smiles.

Remus hums. "She's been kicking a lot lately. She's been really actiuve all of a sudden. What the hell am I supposed to do if I want to sleep? Sleepings been a nightmare,"

"When Bailey kicks a lot at night, James just talks to him. Eventually he stops, but it takes a little while. You should get Sirius to do it. James sings to the baby sometimes too. It's quite sweet, actually," Regulus suggests.

Bailey. Bailey Alfred Potter. Only one more month of waiting.

"James will just talk for hours on end. You know what he's like, loves the sound of his own bloody voice. We both know Sirius is the same," Regulus jokes.

Remus laughs. "Course they're the same," He smirks. "God, are we stupid for making them fathers?"

"Maybe," Regulus grins. "Or are they smart for making us mothers?" He strokes a hand down his large bump. He's almost full term while Remus sits in limbo at six months. They compare bump sizes sometimes, when neither of their boys are around. Regulus doesn't think either he or Remus would ever recover dignity wise from having their boys walk in on that.

Remus chuckles. "They're pretty smart, our boys are," He glances down at his bump. "I mean, they did work out how to get us both pregnant around the same time, didn't they?"

Regulus rolls his eyes. "See, now that is why I didn't mess with James at school, we ran with different crowds simply because I didn't store time away to organize weirdly specific 'coincidences',"

"Well, that's marauders business, Reg. Get used to scheming, you're marrying into it,"

"We're producing the next generation of that mess!" Regulus sighs.

Remus smirks, almost proud. "Hey! I was practically the mastermind behind every single mess!"

"And look where that's gotten you, pregnant!" Regulus points out with a grin. "You ever think about the amount of James and Sirius genes floating around right now? I mean, I'm related to Cassie by blood, Sirius' related to Bailey by blood. My son's going to be half James and like somewhat a percent Sirius. That's going to be tough,"

"I didn't think of that, actually. Our kids are definitely going to raise all sorts of hell. McGonagall will wish we never left her,"

"Or she'll wish we never got pregnant,"

2. James & Sirius

"You ready for next month, eh?"

James nods firmly. "Course. We've got the hospital bag packed since he went seven months. Reg has everything set to go. We just have to wait for now,"

Sirius muses. "Bailey Alfred. After mine and Reg's uncle, right?"

"Yep. Reg wanted it that way. Said Alfred was good to you both,"

Sirius nods. "He was good to us. He made sure we were looked after, uncle Alfred left me all that money too," He says softly. He has many fond memories of his uncle. Now Regulus is going to honour his memory for both of them.

"How's Moony doing? Getting big?"

"Not as big as Reg," Sirius whistles. "Baby Bailey is going to be huge, I'm telling you now. He'll definitely take after you and be a bloody giant, your sasquatch genes bloody stretched Regulus,"

James laughs softly, images of what his son could potentially look like filling his head. He hopes Bailey looks like Regulus. "We'll just have to wait and see, won't we?" He grins softly.

They'll just have to wait and see.

Super short, super sweet draft from a few months ago!

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