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James smiles softly, taking Regulus in. He was redressing himself, something they often found themselves doing before Regulus and he had to part ways and he headed off to the quidditch field while Regulus went to his little potions shop.

"You look a little different, angel," James muses, arm lazily draped over the headboard as he takes Regulus in. The other boy's belly was softer, losing it's definition and had become slightly pudgy to touch. James knows exactly what this is a sign of.

There is a little life growing inside of Regulus right at this moment, a little piece of them both, a sliver of them resting within his belly; James is just waiting for Regulus himself to figure it out.

Regulus, of course hasn't noticed this yet. For somebody who's usually very on track with their calorie intake, James can't comprehend just how Regulus hasn't come to the conclusion yet.

Regulus doesn't look up, shoving his shirt on hastily. "Oh?"

James nods, murmuring softly. "You're gone soft all over, Reggie, you're getting a bit of a tummy," He grins into his pillow. The impact of a shoe hitting his head causes him to raise his head upwards in shock. "Regulus, what the fuck!"

Regulus looks to him with grim, saddeneded eyes. "I-I'm getting f-fat," He whispers. "Aren't I?"

James stares at him for a few seconds before shaking his head firmly. "Baby, that is not what I meant," He stammers. "I was simply just hinting-"

"That I should go on a bloody diet?" Regulus snarls. "You're so fucking dense," He grits. "Honestly, how romantic of you!"

There it is, the snappy Regulus that James knows and loves. James has somehow domesticated Regulus' chirpy behavior and he had become somewhat less of a quick mouthed commenter.

"Reg, no! That's not it at all, you know I love you and I think you look lovely no matter-"

"No matter if I've gained a hundred pounds? Is that it? I'm not as athletic as I used to be? Well fuck you, Potter, we aren't all star chasers!" Regulus puffs before leaving the room in a huff.

James sighs. "You're not fat, idiot, you're having a baby. Our bloody baby," He groans quietly into his pillow as he hears Regulus leave, James chooses to ignore the slamming of the door that's ringing throughout the house.


"Then he thought I was calling him fat!" James sighs. "Honestly, he's more of a drama queen than you are, Padfoot. But I get it, he's just sensitive lately," James pauses. "But I'm the only one who knows why, apparently!"

"Because you think Regulus is pregnant??" Remus squints, sitting down next to his husband.

"No," James rolls his eyes. "I know he's pregnant, Moony!"

"Prongs, that just seems a bit much. I mean, I know he's always been a skinny twig but gaining a little bit of belly fat doesn't mean he's hauling around your child-" Sirius starts but front door opens and Regulus steps inside with a small grin when he sees his older brother and Remus seated on his sofa, James curled on the arm chair.

"Hey, Reg," Sirius greets.

"Hey, didn't know you two were coming over," Regulus removes his jacket and James discreetly nods to his midsection. Remus furrows his eyebrows before his eyes land on a definite curve that had not been on Regulus' abdomen the last time he had seen him. It certainly wasn't just gained weight, it was protruding neatly. Like there was indeed a baby in there, James' baby.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now