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James watches as Sirius paces in front of him as James sits on the truck at the end of his bed. Remus lays across his own bed while Peter nervously opens and closes his charms homework.

James sighs. "Padfoot, there's no possible way that that baby isn't mine-" He starts.

"No. I-I don't want to think about that, we can't be sure of that" Sirius snaps. "Jesus Christ, what if he's slept with other boys recently? You can't just claim it as yours!"

James shrugs glumly. "And what if he hasn't and I've fucked up his entire life? What then? Don't you think I owe it to Regulus? Just a conversation? Even if the baby isn't mine, I should still check in," He pauses, shaking his head. "We uh haven't even spoken since that night..."

Sirius groans at the mention of the infamous night. "You just can't leave well enough alone! Neither of you can!" He grit. "I was out! I wasn't a Black anymore but you've gone and put him back into my life! He's my brother! You're supposed to be my friend!"

"I am your friend!" James snaps eventually, standing to face Sirius and halting his pacing. "Actually, as I vaguely remember, you said, that exact night, that he isn't your brother, case bloody closed!"

Petee sighs. "Look, just stop. The both of you, just stop,"

Remus nods, joining in with a firm voice. "It isn't about who said who wasn't their brother or whatever the hell you two are trying to get at. James, you slept with his brother whether Sirius counts him as a brother or not," Remus turns to Sirius. "And you, no matter what you say about him, Regulus is always going to be your little brother," He snaps.

Remus pauses. "And right now, your little brother is probably terrified. Everybody knows, surely it'll get back to your parents in no time, think about how frightened he must be feeling. He's pregnant," Remus whispers.

Sirius shakes his head. With a shy voice, he says, "I hadn't even thought of how it'd feel for Walburga to find out...." He had thought about how Walburga would feel, though.

"Yeah, well, the whole school's talking about it. Somebody's bound to squeal to his parents. Like Ernest said, there's some sort of pureblood supremacist in Regulus' dormitory.....what if he tells his mother?" Peter questions.

James groans loudly, putting his head in his hands. "Your brothers mental! Mental, do you know that? He just...he was just in the moonlight and he just looked so-"

Sirius shakes his head. Of course he doesn't know that his brother's a brilliant enigma of a person.

"He's funny and witty and quite sarcastic," James lists. "The way he laughs sounds like no other laugh I've ever heard before-"

"James...." Sirius sighs. "Regulus doesn't laugh," He insists but James shakes his head. "Not anymore,"

"He did with me!" James protests loudly, fiercely.

There is silence.

"Well then, if you made him laugh then you can make him have a chat with him about all this, Prongs." Peter suggests.

"And if he doesn't want to speak with me?"

"Then I say we corner him some day and just force a conversation," Sirius hums, casually, as thought the four of them are well adapted to cornering people.

James tries over the next week and a half to get close to Regulus but it appears the younger boy had all but blocked out every other individual at Hogwarts. He went to and from his classes and did not attend breakfast, lunch or dinner. He was distancing himself from anyone who dared utter his name or new found condition.

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