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For ShelbyStroh !! Enjoy!

James smiles as soon as he steps into the astrometry tower, his grin widening even more when caughts sight of Regulus already waiting for him.

"Hey, angel, you feeling alright?" James greets softly. Regulus has been ill for the past few weeks. He had come down with a form of flu he just could not seem to beat.

Regulus greets him with a soft, shy kind of smile. "Hey, you," He grins as James wraps an arm around his waist and pulls him in for am open mouthed kiss, James' hands trailing up his waist and holding him closely.

"So? Everything cool? You went to see Pomfrey today, right?"

Regulus just hums in reply.

"So everything is okay, isn't it? You're not...I dunno, dying on me are ya?" James laughs but his laughter falters and dies down as quick as it had begun when he notices Regulus tense and advert his gaze to the shining night's sky.

James frowns. "Reg, you aren't dying, are you?" James' tone is more serious than Regulus has ever heard it.

Regulus shakes his head with a sigh. He brings his gaze back to James with a shaky smile. He reaches up to cup James' worried face. "M'alright, I promise. Don't worry your handsome little head about it, mmh?"

"What's going on then? You're still sick, though, that can't be good, angel," James murmurs, his brown eyes gazing into grey ones. He pecks Regulus' forehead softly sensing how tense his younger lover is. "What's happening, sweetheart? You can talk to me," He reassures.

Regulus blinks before, " can't be angry with me-"

"Baby, why would I ever be angry at you?" James whispers softly, his tone laced with concern. "Just...Regulus, just tell me you're alright? Your parents didn't find out did they? How could they? I mean, Sirius doesn't even know-"

"Uh, yeah, erm, about that!" Sirius stammers, suddenly appearing before them. James turns to see Remus gently yanking his cloak of invisibility off of himself and Peter, Sirius having already released himself from it's private qualities.

"Padfoot-" James gapes. "I-I....I can explain, believe me I can but I'm just not, w-words aren't forming right now-" He looks between the Black brothers, unsure of how to form a coherent sentence that could make this all make sense. "Fuck!" James groans in defeat.

Sirius almost smirks. His lips definitely twitch upwards, James is sure of it. "Yeah, fuck," He deadpans. He sighs before gesturing to Regulus. "Um, see, I'm not sure if you're aware, but this is my little brother, you're alone with my little brother? And you didn't feel the need to let me know you guys had become such close buddies?"

James purses his lips. "I don't need permission to be friends with somebody-"

"No, you don't. By typically speaking, you should've told me you were banging my brother!" Sirius yelps.

Peter sighs. "Padfoot, we talked about this, no chewing anyone out-"

"I can't believe this! I can bang whoever I like!"

"Oi, stop it James, you're making Reggie blush!"

"No, you stop it! I happen to like your brother very much actually, so you assumed correct when you accused me of banging him," James snaps slightly.

Sirius shakes his head. "Oh, how the mighty have fallen-"

"Now, what exactly is that supposed to mean?" James folds his arms over his chest, his hip jutted slightly.

"What happened to mister I-hate-all-Slytherins? Huh? Where did that Prongs go?" Sirius bites.

James scoffs. "He's right here! He's always been here, but now I just happen to have one particular Slytherin that I really, really like, Pads," James trails, his voice weakening. He doesn't want to fight with his best friend.

Sirius sighs heavily. "God-"

"No, just please don't start," James begs.

Regulus is about to intervene and perhaps leave the tower, he decides that it may just be best if he let's the group of friends deal with the circumstances, but before he can do any of that, he promptly empties the contents of his belly, doubling over and letting out a small pant afterwards.

James is by his side in an instance, rubbing slow, small circles against his achy back as Regulus heaves, his hands resting on his knees, steadying himself. "Just take a deep breath, love, just gather yourself. S'alright, s'just a tummy bug," James then turns to Sirius. "Now look what you did!" He snaps.

"Me?!" Sirius yelps.

"Sirius, babe, look, if you just take a minute to listen to what Prongs has to say, maybe you guys can-"

"Why would I listen, Moons? This is ridiculous! Regulus is my bloody brother! Honestly-"

"James..." Regulus trails quietly.

James turns to him with a quick glance, his eyes softening and his tone gentler as he says softly, "Yes, love?" He asks quietly.

"James...I-I'm pregnant," Regulus whispers tearfully. "That's er what I wanted to talk about,"

"That's it, Potter." Sirius almost growls and Remus has to pull him into s right embrace to halt his charging. "You've bloody knocked him up! Christ!"

"Shush, Padfoot, stop it," Remus grits. "Just...just shut up,"

Peter turns to James. "Uh, I'll take the happy couple downstairs to the common room to chill Pads out a bit," He nervously looks to Regulus. "Congratulations on the baby," He smiles softly and Regulus can't help but want to smile back.

As soon as Remus has hauled his overdramatic boyfriend from the room, James turns to Regulus with soft, brown eyes. "You're pregnant?"

Regulus nods. "Nine weeks," He cheers sarcastically.

"Wow...." James breaths.

Regulus nods. "I know," He agrees. "Wow,"

James drops a hand to Regulus' budding bump, the small beginnings of a bump almost already curving outwards. James instantly drops to his knees before him with a wet smile. "Oh Merlin, we're having a baby," He presses a soft kiss to Regulus' clothed belly.

Regulus tries to fight it, but his smile breaks through and he lets out a teary laugh. "We're having a baby." He whispers.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now