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For pluto_plutonium 😊💚

Sirius groans as he stretches. "I could kill Remus, y'know," He chirps. He groans again as he runs his hands over his swelled stomach.

It wasn't supposed to be this way.

Remus was supposed to be the one weighed down with their child. Sirius had said that after a long, rough full moon; Remus was in need of something to make him feel a little less vulnerable. And if being the one to control their bedroom atics that night made him feel better; then Sirius was all for it.

Until weeks later when Sirius found himself vomiting, almost in sync with his pregnant younger brother.

James and Regulus, on the other hand, had strategically planned for their little one, with a doting James cupping Regulus' rounded belly at any given moment. Sirius once snorted that James was on his knees before Regulus, kissing his belly, more while he is pregnant than during the seemingly quick process it had taken to get Regulus pregnant.

Regulus rolls his eyes, a hand falling to his bump. "So you've said," He smirks. "Four times now," He sniggers. "You're a nightmare, y'know? You've only got a few more weeks, just put up with it, yeah?"

Sirius shakes his head. "Easy for you to say!" He snaps suddenly. "You've got it all, a tiny belly, James dotes on you! I-I can't even remember the last time Remus and I did it!" He grits, his eyes filling with hormone induced tears. "Y-you wanted this! I didn't want this! I don't like being pregnant...." Sirius whispers.

He can't help bur let stray tears fall down his face as he attempts to blink them back. Regulus sighs.

"Look, I'm bloody sorry, alright?" Regulus huffs. "But James doesn't dote on me! It hasn't been all sunshine for us either," He states. "And I'm huge so fuck you!" He turns his nose up to his brother. "You're not the only one who's nor enjoying this,"

Sirius squints. He doesn't think he could muster up any universe where Regulus is 'huge'. He's always been slim and narrow and elegantly built. Sirius, however, has always been much broader than Regulus; more muscular and lean. While Regulus is fragile and wirey with a neat little belly that seems to stick our from his thin frame, Sirius is round and miserable and too big for anything.

"How could you possibly not be enjoying this?" Sirius asks. "You planned for this, didn't you? You and James have been.....busy...." He doesn't want to bring up the time he and Remus had unannouncedly floo called and had caught a sight of their friends that they have since been trying to erase from their memories.

Regulus shakes his head. "Just because we planned for it doesn't mean it isn't hard when James has to go straight from training to some sponsorship for a new broom," He sighs. "Or then to a match, or then to go watch somebody else play a match," He pauses. "He hasn't touched me in about two months, I think he's too scared to,"

Sirius can't help by snort through his falling tears. "Why would he be scared?" He inquires as he dabs at his eyes.

Regulus shrugs. "I think he thinks he's going to hurt the baby, or me? Who knows, eh?"

"Oh, well that's kind of sweet, actually," Sirius muses. He wipes at his eyes and eventually is tearless. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to snap at you. I shouldn't have assumed you had it any better."

Regulus shakes his head. "It's okay. I'm sorry Remus cheated his way out of this," He laughs and Sirius joins him.

The floo makes its familiar whooshing sound and James and Remus appear, James' face flushed and a sheen of sweat presents itself on his forehead.

Remus, with his quill in hand, most indefinitely having written some kind of article for The Daily Prophet about the miraculous James Potter and his quidditch skills, smiles at the brothers. "Alright, Pads?" He leans down to place a soft kiss to Sirius' temple. Remus takes his husband in. "'ve been crying again?"

Regulus snorts quietly. "Again?!" He rolls his eyes. "This is your second time to whine today?"

Sirius smiles wetly at his husband, choosing to ignore his brother. "I'm okay," He declares softly, enjoying Remus' soft lips as the younger of the two brushes his lips against Sirius'. "Better now that you're here,"

Remus smiles softly. "Good,"

Regulus wonders if this is Sirius finally embracing his pregnancy right as it is ending. James speaks to him but he can't seem to register it. The only thing he can register is the water trickling down his legs and he looks up to James with wide eyes and a sift gasp.

Sirius snorts this time. "Maybe you don't have it that easy after all, little brother,"

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