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"Stop moving! Here......wait......just lemme......." James squints as he applies the liquid. "Reg! If you don't stop moving, you're going to smudge the ruddy paint," He gently curses with a smile.

Regulus rolls his eyes. "Personally, I find it fucking offensive that you're painting a pumpkin across my tummy," He smirks.

"I find that language offensive," James chuckles as he continues to paint Regulus' swollen skin, a dot of orange smudged across his face. "You're lucky that you're getting bigger, more space for me to paint, more room for my creativity,"

"Oi, prick," Regulus smirks wider, running a hand through James' unruly locks of hair as James kneels at eye level with Regulus' swollen belly.

James hums as he continues with his work, finalizing the last few details. Once he finishes, he presses a kiss to an unpainted area of Regulus' belly. "Now, finished!" He grins goofily up at Regulus. "Ta dah!"

Regulus laughs. "C'mere, Picasso, lemme give you a kiss," He teases as he offers James a wink. "For all your hard work,"

At this, James straightens up with a mischievous smirk displayed upon his face. He quickly casts a drying spell against the paint upon Regulus' belly.

"God, I love you, you gorgeous boy," James breathes, as though he can not quite believe his own luck. Regulus thinks that he is the lucky one, not James. James would be inclined to disagree.

"I love you too," Regulus replies, feeling James' hand sprawl out, palm flat against his belly. Their son kicks about, moving and rotating his body within Regulus. James looks down with a smitten smile plastered against his face, he slightly moves the pad of his thumb along Regulus' skin.

"Come on, we're going to be late to Sirius and Remus'. Padfoot says that he and Moony have spent hours decorating," James smirks. "We can't let them down, my pumpkin pie,"

Regulus wrinkles his nose. "That was corny, I hated that,"

"You loved it," James smirks as he pulls Regulus into a quick kiss.

Laughing, Regulus allows James to lead him through the floo, James holding him closely, tightly, in order to ensure that he doesn't become nauseous.

With James' hand wrapped around Regulus' waist, the pair enter the living room of Remus and Sirius, lanterns decorating the room, fake cobwebs strung up like bunting. There are several atrociously carved pumpkins sitting on the mantle, Regulus thinks that they look like they've been butchered horribly.

Lily greets them, dressed as a cat with whiskers painted across her pretty face. "Ah! You guys made it," She cheers. "I was beginning to think you two wouldn't show," She laughs.

James smiles at her. "We wouldn't miss it for the world, Lil," He tells her. "We might head home early, though," He glances to his boyfriend. "Reg's back has been giving him trouble lately," James tightens his grip on Regulus' waist slightly.

Lily frowns. "Awh, m'sorry to hear the little guy is giving you trouble, Reg,"

Regulus shakes his head, smiling. "He's just really active lately," He explains. He rests a hand to the underside of his belly. "James is getting to feel him a bit more, which is nice, y'know," He says with a soft grin.

Lily smiles gently, the corners of her lips twitching upwards. "That's sweet," She says quietly. "You guys are really sweet,"

James grins lazily, a smug expression lacing his face. "Oh, don't get so soppy, Evans, just because I never put a baby in you-" James cuts himself off with a grunt. "Oi! Regulus! You've got sharp little elbows, stop that!"

The sight of his older brother clad in a gladiator costume is enough to send Regulus into a fit of laughter, but seeing his brother's lover decked in the same costume is what really does it for Regulus.

"You look fucking ridiculous!" Regulus wheezes. Sirius rolls his eyes.

"Oh yeah? You look even more ridiculous, where the hell is your costume?" Sirius may have looked amused if it weren't for Regulus' lack of costume.

Regulus sighs before reaching for the hem of his rusted orange colored sweater. Sirius' eyebrows furrow together as he watches his younger brother pull up his sweater to reveal James' sloppy artwork.

"You let Prongs paint that?"

Regulus nods. "I did,"

"Jesus, how in love are you?"

"Clearly not as in love as Remus is if he's wearing that ridiculous costume,"

This is very short and sweet! Hope you enjoyed! If you have any Halloween themed requests, please leave them in the comments! I would love to do some Halloween themed one shots, so leave any suggests! 🎃

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