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"So? You had to take pregnancy leave! News flash, wanker, I'm taking paternity leave as soon as you have this baby!" James grits.

"So? So?" Regulus gasps. "So I have nothing to do anymore except wait around to pop out a baby! I'm taking leave too early but the midwife won't let me continue to work-"

"Yeah, because working around all those different potion smells isn't very healthy!" James snaps. "God, it's like I have to spell everything out!" He sighs as he steps into the living room.

Regulus glares at James' back as he retreats to their living room. "Spell everything out? Now what exactly does that fucking mean?" He huffs, marching into the living room straight after James.

"It means I'm tired of having to tell you how to be pregnant!" James yells.

"Then don't tell me how to be pregnant! It's my body and I know what I can and can't take! Let me decide for once!"

"Let you decide for once? Regulus, you have decided! And as a result of your decision, our baby's nursery is emerald green!" James hollers at him, exasperatedly. "Fucking emerald green! For a baby!

"The shade is named forest green!" Regulus shouts, correcting him.

"I don't give a flying fuck what the shade is named! I just can't believe our baby is going to sleep in a dark, forest," He turns his nose up and Regulus doesn't miss the way his voice goes slightly higher in order to imitate him. "Green nursery! Where is the light? Where is the joy?"

"Babies don't know what joy is! They're babies, James!" Regulus screeches. "And I think as the one who's carrying the baby, I at least get to chose what color the nursery is!" He grits. "It certainly isn't my fault you have a prejudice against anything even close to the color green! I thought we'd left the house rivalry back at school but apparently not!" He seethes.

"Well, a baby certainly won't know what joy is when they're left alone to sleep in a fucking dark green bedroom! It'll be like five hundred shades of gloominess!" James snaps. "Besides, I like the color green! You know that! So don't turn this into some bullshited Slytherin versus Gryffindor argument when that is not what this is! This is you sulking because you've been put on maternity leave!"

"I am not sulking!" Regulus yelps. "I do not sulk!" He adds. "Excuse me for feeling like my freedom's been robbed so I can be a breeder for you, James Potter!"

"Oh for fuck sake!" James screams. "Who is holding you hostage here? Is it me? Because somebody should've told me that the great Regulus Black was a baby making slave!" He shouts.

"God, you can't just give up a few more months to simply just be pregnant! Enjoy it! You're growing a new life! Fucking relax a bit! Everyone's catering to your every damn, whiny need! So maybe stop being so fucking selfish and grow the fuck up a little bit, Regulus-"

James makes the mistake of glancing at Regulus in the middle of his venting. He immediately stops himself, softening his tone and gently approaching Regulus with an outstretched hand, wiping the younger boy's wet cheeks quickly.

"Oh Jesus, you're crying. I've made you cry," James whispers. "Look, I'm sorry, Regulus. Things got out of hand. You can have your green nursery if it makes you happy, as long as you're happy. God, I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you, sweetheart. I know you're a little sensitive lately. I don't want to fight with you, I don't want to yell at you either. I love you, Reg, I love you and our baby so much. You both matter so much more to me than the color of a bloody nursery,"

Regulus shakes his head, even more tears rolling down his face. "M'not upset," He informs wetly. "I-I think these are happy tears," He takes a step closer to James and gently takes his large hand in his own petite ones. He slowly guides a confused James' hand towards his bump. "Feel that?"

James looks at him with squinted eyes for a few seconds but then he feels it. "Oh wow," He whispers, glassy eyed. "Oh wow, there's a whole baby in there," He drops to his knees next to Regulus' belly, placing both hands on either side of his belly. "They're kicking, isn't that amazing?"

"It's pretty amazing," Regulus' threads his fingers gently through James' hair. "I'm sorry, Jamie. I shouldn't have yelled, I probably scared our poor little baby. You're right. I am pissy over having to take leave from work. I'm sorry. It's stupid, you're right; I should just relax and enjoy being pregnant while I can,"

James shakes his head as he slowly stands and guides them towards the sofa, pulling Regulus into his lap. "I'm sorry I called you selfish and I called your needs whiney," He pauses. "They're not whiney, they're brilliant and I'm bloody grateful that it's me who gets to cater to them," He whispers as he places a tender kiss to Regulus' temple. "I'm also sorry I called you a wanker,"

This causes a slight chuckle to escape both of their mouths.

"I'm sorry I brought up houses," Regulus sighs. "That was silly and immature. You aren't prejudice. I was just looking for something to pick at. I should've compromised with you and made the nursery a color we both liked, I'm sorry,"

James holds him closer, his hands meeting his rounded bump. "The nursery is wonderful, honey. I think I was just looking for something to argue about too. Forest green is nice, I like when you wear your green sweater," He muses. "You look nice in green,"

Regulus smiles softly as he presses a kiss to James' cheek. "I'm sorry if I've been acting selfish. I'm scared it looks like I'm not ready to take care of a little person but I swear I am. I'll work on it, I promise, J,"

James shakes his head, brushing some hair from Regulus' face so he can look him directly in the eye. "Baby, you aren't selfish. You're having our baby, you're giving up your body and who knows what else just to give us a child. That's quite selfless, if you asked me. I didn't mean what I said. I was just angry with you and I said things I didn't mean,"

Regulus nods before letting a hand fall to his belly to rest over James' hand. "I'm going to try relax more. I'll try to make the most of it," He says softly, he looks down to his belly. "This big 'ol thing won't be around forever,"

James grins, cupping Regulus' bump as he presses his hand closer to it. "It certainly won't. But when it isn't around, we'll have our little Prongs,"

Regulus rolls his eyes before leaning in to an open mouthed kiss as James rubs small circles on his belly, trying to get their baby to react to him.

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