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Regulus muses as he fills the glass with water from the tap. He gently places a hand to his nine month belly. He's due any day now and he's sure that that fact alone will convince James.

With a small, reluctant sigh; he dashes the water along his -James'- sweatpants and let's it soak in before opening his mouth,


Regulus could never even begin to hope to be as dramatic as his older brother but he hopes his call of despair is authentic enough. But if it should not be, he gently grips the counter top, bending over slightly. Sirius has always been the actor, he has always held the position of reigning emperor of dramatics, as for Regulus; not so much.

James staggers into the kitchen with wide eyes. His eyes fall to the stain on Regulus' pants and the sight of his boyfriend clutching the counter top.

"It's time? You've gone into labor, then?" James quizes as he approaches Regulus with caution. "Your waters have broken already?"

Regulus nods. "Mmh," He hums. He isn't quite sure exactly how to fake a contraction but the presence of panic on James' face is enough for him to get away with not doing so. "They've broken,"

James grips at his hair. "Oh fuck," He mumbles, repeatedly. "Fuck, we have to get you to the healer right now," He softly pecks Regulus' forehead with so much tenderness and care that Regulus almost begins to feel a twinge of guilt. "You're doing brilliant, just breath in and out, lovey,"

Regulus grimaces. "Just calm down a little, J. Baby isn't going to be born on the kitchen tiles," He reminds. He starts to feel very bad now as James' expression turns slightly calmer, more relaxed as he takes a deep breath.

James exhales slowly before pressing one hand to Regulus' belly and the other to his lower back. He applies a softg amount of pressure to both areas. "Right. C'mon then, let's go have a baby," He steps over the perceived amniotic fluid and Regulus' conscious burns with guilt so he gives in.

"James..." He starts.

"We can talk once you're all kitted out for the birth. Right now we have to get going, Reg. Your waters have already broken, I don't know how much time we've got left-" James rambles excitedly and Regulus feels his heart pang.

Regulus' softens his features, eyeing James with guilty grey eyes. "Jamie, I'm not really in labor," He replies with a soft laugh as he beams at James, waiting for his boyfriend to crack him that flashy smile and laugh with him.

Seconds pass by and James does not flinch. His face does not twist into a smile and Regulus frowns.

"Is this......funny to you?" James questions, raising an eyebrow as he releases Regulus from his grip.

"Um, well, it was just a joke, James-"

"No," James retorts, clenching his jaw. "It isn't a joke. Jokes are funny. Our child isn't a joke-"

"I never said they were! What the fuck, stop shoving words into my mouth," Regulus stomps his foot slightly. "This isn't fair, I'm allowed to attempt to prank you-"

"You're twenty two. I'm twenty three, we're too old for attempting pranks," James shakes his head.

Regulus' frown deepens. "Right," He grits. "Forgive me for thinking you still had a sense of humor," He says dryly.

James rolls his eyes. "You really scared me," He starts. "Labor isn't a joke. You certainly won't think it's a joke when you're actually in it-"

"What do you even know about labor?!" Regulus scoffs, folding his arms over his large bump, his hip jutted outwards.

"I know it isn't something you should joke about!"

"You're unbelievable!"

James sighs loudly. "Grow up a bit, Reg, yeah? We're having a baby soon. We don't have time for this type of shit," He mutters harshly as he hastily goes upstairs.

Regulus is left standing with his mouth open as he hears James shuffle around upstairs before he eventually hears the bed creak; a clear sign that James is going to bed. Regulus never thought he would live to see the day James Potter did not enough a good prank.

Signing, Regulus lays down on the sofa and switches on the television, watching some motionless film about some mushy tale of lustful desire and romance. It only makes him angrier and he ends up falling asleep to it.

When he awakes, an hour later, the sky is already a dark plum shade and the room is dim. Regulus sits up slowly, he feels weird and the house is almost too still. His cheeks feel hot and his forehead feels strangely wet. He reaches up to touch it cautiously; sweat, he's sweating. Why is he sweating?

His answer comes seconds later when he feels a stabbing pain in his lower abdomen. His hands fly towards his rounded belly as he let's out a pained gasp.

"Shit, shit, shit," He whispers over and over again. He winches as he feels the baby kick harshly. "Oh fuck, I jinxed this didn't I, little one?" He let's out a breathy laugh.

Hauling himself into a standing position, Regulus goes in search of James. He slowly climbs the staircase, stopping once or twice to quietly cry out in agony.

"Holy fuck," Regulus pants as he reaches the top of the staircase and steps into the landing. "God, this is really happening, little one," He whispers, looking down at his hand covered belly. "Let's go wake your daddy," He muses softly.

He creeps into his and James' bedroom. James is asleep. The covers pulled tightly under his chin. Regulus slowly flicks on the lamp on the bedside table. Softly, he prods James with his index finger.

"Jamie? J-Jamie?" Regulus whispers.

James' hazely eyes flutter open and he seems disoriented for a few seconds before he scoffs softly. "What're you doing up?" He asks. His voice is a lot gentler than it had been earlier. "I hope you cleaned that mess in the kitchen,"

The spilled water. Regulus, in fact, did not cater to that mess.

Regulus opens his mouth to speak but a pained whimper escapes instead as he clenches his eyes shut. "James, the baby wants o-out," He mumbles.

James rolls his eyes. "Yeah, yeah. Nice try, sweetheart. The same trick doesn't work twice. Stop fooling about. I've already told you that it isn't all that funny-" James cuts himself off as he glances towards Regulus. With a small gasp, he gently reaches out to cup either side of Regulus' now damp face. "Oh shit, you're crying. This is really it, huh?"

Regulus nods as he opens his eyes slowly, they're tear filled and glassy. He feels James' grip on his cheeks pull him closer. Regulus whimpers quietly. "Fuck, it really h-hurts, Jamie,"

James presses a gentle kiss to his forehead. "I know, I know, mama. It's okay. We'll get you to St. Mungos and you'll be alright, I promise," He swears, wiping Regulus' tears with the pads of his fingers.

"M'sorry I was j-joking about l-labor. You were right, I-I don't think it's f-funmy when I'm actually in it," Regulus whispers and James smiles softly.

"I was just in a mood, love. I'm sorry that I upset you. I'm sure it would've been a really good prank. Next time we can try it on Pads and Moony,"

Regulus swallows as a contraction strikes him harshly. "N-next time?" He gulps and James throws him a cheeky smile as he ushers them to the Floo.

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