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Harry isn't sure why his daddy is ushering the nurse that regularly visited his house to check on Regulus in through the front door, but he does know that he can hear a quite sobbing, a soft whimpering noise in his daddy's room.

Harry blinks as he crawls out of his bed, the sun hasn't even risen yet, why would his daddy he awake? He ponders the reasons as he creeps into his daddy's bedroom, James isn't there, though.

However, Regulus is.

He's crumpled over one of their pillows with a tear stained face and slightly flushed cheeks. Harry's never seen Regulus cry, he used to assume that grown ups couldn't cry, but that was until he had seen his daddy's glassy eyes the day his mummy did not wake up from her hourly nap.

Harry quietly staggers into the room, he hoists himself up onto the bed. Regulus hadn't noticed him until now but now that he has, he swipes at his tearful face, ushering the tears away. "Harry, love, sorry, did we wake you?" He whispers.

Regulus' voice is usually rather elegent and he pronounces all of his words perfectly, but right now it's hoarse and wobbly and Harry doesn't like it. Harry shakes his head, he decides to lie. Perhaps to spare Regulus' feelings, so he says;

"Nope, I was already awake," Harry replies. He glances around. "Daddy's in the kitchen, with that....that woman who always talks to the baby?" He asks.

Regulus nods, his eyes clenching and a few stray tears falling down his face. "Y-yeah, Pomfrey's going to talk to the baby some more," Regulus explains, shuddering a breath.

Harry blinks at him, realization sitting in. "Oh...is the baby okay?" He asks slowly. "Is the baby making your tummy sore again?"

Harry recalls weeks ago when James had explained the concept of some pain that Regulus may be in due to his body preparing for the arrival of their new baby. Having found that he rather likes Regulus now, his nightmares vanished since the comforting presence of the tin soldier, Harry decides that his baby brother is a little insensitive and should probably stop trying to hurt Regulus' tummy so much.

Regulus nods with a deep inhale. "Mmh," He hums, his fingers dancing over his rounded belly. Harry finds he can't help but reach his small hand over. Regulus looks up at him with teary eyes. "Harry..."

Harry's little hand rubs small, light circles against the hard skin. "Mummy used to always rub my tummy for me when I had a tummy ache, it made me feel better," He elaborates as he feels his baby brother move under his touch.

Regulus smiles sadly at him as the door opens wider and James and Madame Pomfrey enter. "Harry, son, what are you doing our of bed? Little boys need their sleep," James says gently.

Harry shakes his head. "But you said I was a big boy!" He protests, snuggling closer to Regulus' belly, both of his hands sprawled out against it. "Daddy, Regulus' tummy hurts," He informs his father.

James nods with a small smile. "I know, love, I know," He sits down on the bed, scooping Harry into his arms. "That's why Madame Pomfrey came over, your baby brother wants to come out now," He tells his son.

"So uncle Moony and uncle Padfoot are going to come over to take care of you until you fall back asleep and when you wake up," James pauses with an almost giddy grin. "You'll be a big brother!"

Harry can't fight the grin growing on his face. James notices it. "You'll be good for your uncles, won't you? They might even read you a bedtime story,"

Harry grins wider. He nods eagerly. "I'll be good! I promise, daddy,"

James smiles, cupping Harry's little face. "That's my boy," He gently presses a kiss to the top of Harry's head. He places his large hand over Regulus' shaking one and Harry's tiny one. "All four of us will be one big family soon, Harry," He promises.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now