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James falls in and out of consciousness throughout the duration of the night. Or at least what he thinks is the night. Every time he wakes, it is dark. Maybe his hospital room is just dim and dull.

The next time James awakens, he keeps his eyes closes, hoping to fall back asleep once more. His stitches are uncomfortable, they feel like something he's never experienced. James can not find the words to explain it. Just as he's inhaling slowly to try to settle himself back into a light slumber, James hears the door crack open. He wonders if it is one of his nurses.

"Oi," The new voice is hushed. Sirius. "Oi, Regulus, hey," Sirius hisses in the dark. James doesn't want to open his eyes.

He isn't sure he wants Sirius to tell him what happened after he started to bleed when his contractions got closer and closer together. James doesn't know if he will ever forget the horrific sound of one of his nurses alerting the midwife that the baby's heartbeat was dropping drastically.

James pushes those thoughts to another place in his mind. His baby is okay. His baby is safe and small and here.

"Reg," Sirius' voice comes closer and James opens his eyes a little bit to observe the scene. What could be so urgent that Sirius is sneaking around his hospital room?

Regulus is still asleep, the tiny baby boy still wrapped in his arms.

James watches in amusement as Sirius swats at his younger brother's head. "M-mmh? What? Sirius?" Regulus blinks. His voice is raspy, sleep ridden. "Hey," Regulus almost whines. "Don't swat me when I have a newborn on top of me," Regulus glances at his chest, his arms protectively curled around the baby.

Sirius smiles a little, patting his nephews head. James can see that their son has a full head of dark hair. He wonders if that comes from him or Regulus. James wonders what his little boy's eyes look like. Grey or brown?

"Hey, the nurses want to see the little guy, yeah? Run a few test," Sirius replies.

Regulus nods. He sits up stiffly, ensuring he holds the small baby boy close to him at all times. "Yeah, alright." He yawns. "Sorry, I didn't mean to fall asleep. I reckon this little quaffle didn't mean to either,"

Sirius smirks, laughing breathily but quietly. "I'll go tell the nurses. Sit with him for a second, eh?"

Regulus nods. "I'll hold down the fort, make sure he doesn't get up and absolutely dash down the halls," He chuckles, gazing down at the newborn.

Sirius leaves and James closes his eyes fully now. He is about to let sleep wash over him again, but then Regulus hums quietly.

"Hiya," Regulus murmurs. James cracks open an eye, half wondering if Regulus is speaking to him.

James can see through his squinting eye that Regulus has maneuvered the tiny baby to rest against his shoulder and collarbone. James can see now that Regulus' black shirt is unbuttoned. They're doing skin to skin. James can't help but wonder if that is Regulus' work shirt. It's ebony and looks worn, yet James has never seen him in it.

"How're you doing after that big scare, eh? Scared the absolute shit out of me, you silly little boy. You're far too young to be scaring your poor old man," Regulus chuckles. He gently strokes the baby's cheek. "You're really little, y'know? So, so, very little. You kind of look like your mum too," He muses.

"You have his features," Regulus comments gently. His voice is soft and kind. James isn't sure he's ever heard him speak so tenderly. "But you kind of have my nose, m'sorry about that," Regulus offers weakly.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now