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- Hard To Say I'm Sorry, Chicago

Sybill Trelawney would be the death of Regulus Black. She would positivity bore him to death and then resurrect him just to do it all over again, he's sure of it.

A Gryffindor students behind him is currently having her future read to her. Trelawney raves about magical prospects of her future.

Regulus likes Divination, he does. He likes astrology and the stars, he's practically his very own constellation, but something about today's class feels off. Something isn't right.

But perhaps that something is the raging nausea he feels bubbling within his belly. He groans quietly, putting his head into his folded arms and resting against the small circular table, willing his belly to stop aching with a nausea he just can't settle. He knows that a Hufflepuff boy in the year below him has to be responsible for his queasiness, he had brought some strange muggle flu back with him after Christmas holidays and Regulus hasn't been the same ever since.

Regulus feels a boney finger prod his shoulder blade. He looks up, raising his head to see the curly haired woman gazing downwards at him with large eyes. "Mister Black, take a look in the cup! Go ahead," She beams.

Regulus grunts as he stares down at the mound of what could be easily mistaken as mold floating around the end of the cup, facing him with a grim look. "Er," Regulus murmurs. "I see a uh-"

He is silenced by Trelawney. She gasps. "Oh! My boy! I have gotten a vision!" She proclaims and Regulus gawks up at her. "There are wonderful things happening inside of you! Godric! Wonderful, wonderful things to come for you!" She hollers and Regulus feels his cheeks almost heat up as the room stares at him.

He quickly shuns the blush by reminding himself that he quite frankly doesn't care if a set of Ravenclaw girls in the desk two rows back are giggling.

"Oh?" He inquires with a haughty tone. "Very nice," He grumbles.

"No, my child, you don't understand! See me after class, we shall discuss this!" Trelawney yelps.

Regulus moans softly as he rests his head back down against the table. He tries to remind himself of how much he likes the stars and the skies above, he likes the stars because he is a star, or so James had told him one late night after smuggling him into the Gryffindor boys dorm room where they had engaged in quite a lot considering Regulus' older brother was sleeping beds away from them.

It had been late and James had been drowsy so Regulus had assumed it all to be pillow talk. Bloody pillow talk. That's how everything with James was. He was interested in Regulus when Sirius was asleep, or when James was lonely and upset over Evans.

But it suited Regulus just find.

He had his own needs that James met with a fiery passion.

Regulus isn't sure how it all started but he knew it would have to end sometime. Eventually, James would get the girl and Regulus would get to sleep in his own bed for more than two nights a week.

They were strategic, the two of them. The always worked something out, always figured out what way Regulus would have to tiptoe out of the dorm room and which excuse James would give Peter Pettigrew, who had accidentally woken up as Regulus had been closing the door on his way out. It had been a close call, closer than they'd ever been to getting caught before and they had both narrowly escaped the wrath of whatever consequences would have to come.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now