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AUTHOR'S NOTE: None magic au!

James sighs heavily, feeling his heart grow weary. He's had all the symptoms, every single sign has shown itself. He reaches for his phone, it's the only thing he can do for now.

Can you come over?

James waits but he receives no response. He hums, before typing out another message.

It's really important, Reg.

James' fingers are drafting another text message before he can even process the words himself.

I think I'm pregnant.

Trembling, James sets his phone down on his bedside table, resting his head in his hands. He closes his eyes, shaking his head. "What the fuck are we going to do?" He wonders aloud, to nobody in particular. Nobody but himself and perhaps the baby growing inside of him.

James' phone buzzes beside him. He looks up, fearing what the screen displays.

Be there as soon as I can. Do you want me to get you a test?

Please? I don't know what to do. Mum and dad aren't home, it'll be just us. I don't know what to do.

I'll get a test, don't worry. It could just be a scare, J. I'll be with you soon.

Regulus arrives in record time. There is no time for a quick hello or a his usual kiss to James' cheek as a form of greeting. Instead, Regulus quietly utters, "Are you..."

James shakes his head. "I...I don't know," He replies, equally as soft spoken as his boyfriend. "Did you manage to get a test?" He asks.

Regulus nods quickly, reaching inside the pocket of his jean jacket to produce a pregnancy test. He slowly hands it to James, hesitantly. James takes it in his grip, staring down at it.

James adverts his gaze back to his boyfriend. " did you even get your hands on one of these? Surely you didn't just walk into a local pharmacy, did you?" He inquires, half nervous Mary, who works at the cashier at their nearest pharmacy, now has some sort of an idea of their potential predicament.

Regulus shakes his head firmly. "No, no," He promises. He runs a hand through his dark hair. "Um, no," Regulus repeats. "Dromeda gave it to me. James, I...I'm sorry, I had to get one somehow, she had some laying around, so I mentioned that we...we're having a scare,"

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now