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"James, I swear if we walk through this door and there are people in my bloody living room, I'll-"

"Enjoy myself and stuff my little mouth full of creamy cupcakes and let my friends and family rub my belly and tell me how healthy I look," James finishes for him with a small, teasing smirk.

"Belly rubs are reserved for the baby daddy only!" Regulus protests with a huff as he let's James lead him up the driveway. "If I absolutely have to have a cupcake, I'll do it. But absolutely nobody is coming within a meter of this belly," He gestures to his rounded bump.

James laughs gently as he supports Regulus up their fleat of stairs, gripping his waist as if to signal to all their awaiting guests to under no circumstances touch his husband's bump.

James isn't quite sure how Regulus figured out he was going to be having a baby shower, but his galleons are on an overexcited Lily Evans. He had had to convince Regulus to attend his own baby shower. The conversation had gone as anyone could've imagined it to, 'You're the guest of honor! What do I do if you don't go?!' Regulus had simply smirked and retorted, 'I'm sure Sirius will come up with a solution, the solution being he's the guest of honor!'.

So here they stand, James about to open their front door when he feels Regulus squeeze his hand. "I'm nervous," He admits softly, staring straight ahead.

James shakes his head with a soft grin, kissing Regulus' temple. "Don't be, baby, it's all only for fun anyways, you know Lily. She and Andromeda got together and there was no stopping them. They wanted to make sure you enjoyed your last month of lugging around my baby," He smirks.

Regulus seems to ease up at this as James swings open the door and he sees way too many familiar faces. "Surprise!" Lily calls, her hands shaking with joy as she shimmeys and suddenly Regulus can't even be annoyed she's planned him the most extravagant baby shower in the entire wizarding world.

Regulus smiles, endeared. "Thanks, Lil," He let's her strangle him into a bear hug while James protests.

"Hey! Lily!" James utters. "Watch the bump, that's precious cargo!"

Regulus glances around. He sees Andromeda and her husband, Ted, their daughter wandering around at their feet; her hair flashing randomly selected colors whenever she moves, it amuses Regulus.

Sirius and Remus seem to be struggling to round up their children; a rambunctious three year old with a raging sugar addiction and cupcake ftosting smeared all over his face and a squeaking one year old who has yet to master the art of keeping his pacifier in his mouth. Lucien has also smashed frosting in his younger brother's hair, only enhancing little Nicholas' squeals.

James' parents stand next to Peter, chatting vibranty about something or other as Mary stands by, eyeliner winged to perfection.

Marlene and Dorcas sit on the sofa, chatting to the Longbottom's while a rather sullen and shy Narcissa lingers next to her elder sister, a blond baby boy cradled in her arms, her husband looming beside her.

Regulus feels suddenly warm and fuzzy inside, his insides boiling up with love for the people around him, how wonderful and selfless they all are to have shown up for him, done all of this for him and the little baby cradled inside of his belly.

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now