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Tensions run high. Extremely high. Sirius Black is on the very edge of his seat, his Gryffindor scarf wrapped tightly around his neck as the cold, early morning chill breezes by.

Remus, naturally, had been yet again gifted the opportunity to commentate on the game, so Sirius and Peter sit on the bench, Lily next to them; her red hair yanked up in a lose braid, a few strands curl downwards, framing her pale face.

"Oh for fuck-" Remus catches himself quickly. "Oh, God! James Potter, if you don't do something, I swear to Merlin. Anything, James, just do something. Lazy bollox-" Once again Remus has to remind himself to remain inexplicit. He censors himself once more. "I mean, go James, yay Potter. Everyone cheer for Potter as he aids in Gryffindor's downfall as Regulus Black nearers the snitch," He drawls, flatly. "And he said he actually wanted to make sure we won this year 'cause it's his last year at Hogwarts. James, you're full of shit, mate,"

Sirius sighs, huffing. "Merlin, fucking Regulus," He swears. "Of course he's Slytherin's little star. Can't be mummy's star without being everyone else's star," He rolls his eyes. "Reggie is gonna cost us the game. Little prat,"

"Oh, leave him alone. He's a natural talent, Sirius," Lily mimics his eye roll, in an amused manner. "Besides, he's only doing what he's supposed to. M'sure he isn't purposely trying to her at you,"

"Agreed," Peter nods. "Poor kid doesn't get up everyday to piss off his estranged older brother,"

Sirius scoffs softly. "And we're certain about that, are we?" He chastises. "I'm sure his house winning over mine is just a bonus for him,"

"James Potter if you don't get your arse in gear, I swear-" Remus cries out. "Do something! Fuck, anything! Stop flying around aimlessly, you buggering idiot," He hollars.

The cool wind sweeps Sirius' hair across his face with a harsh blow. He watches in terror as his younger brother becomes abundantly closer to the tiny, glistening gold ball that is the snitch. No, no. Regulus. No. Do not catch that. Fuckin' prick! Sirius' inner monologue screams loudly.

Regulus gains speed, moving swiftly, diving and ducking. He is elegent, agile. His style of flying is delicate, yet powerful as he sweeps through the foggy blue sky. He is untouchable.

"And there it goes, folks. No parties in the Gryffindor common room tonight, m'afraid. Potter just threw our championship away. Boo," Remus rolls his eyes, speaking in a dry tone. "Everyone boo him. He deserves it. Fuckin' moron," He breezes. "Baby Black caught the snitch. But if I see one person cheer, I'm calling McGonagall,"

The stand of green and silver pupils erupts into loud cheers as Regulus' hands close around the snitch, a grin on his fragile face. Sirius curses bitterly. Of course. Regulus gets whatever he wants. Why shouldn't he get the chance to deprive Sirius of yet another thing in life?

Remus' voice continues to drawl sarcastically. "There you have it. Cancel all celebrations. Fuck this. Nah, fuck this, worst game of quidditch I have ever seen, and James has dragged me to a lot of matches," Remus says boredly. "Jesus Christ. You should all be embarrassed to show your ugly mugs after this,"

Sirius laughs at his boyfriend. Remus, who is not all too knowledgeable when it comes to quidditch, makes quite the commetater. Quite the entertainer, also, as it should seem. But then Sirius actually listens to what Remus is saying.

"Yeah, yeah. Boo me all you like. We should've all been booing you lot for that shitty match. This is bullshit. I want a rematch-" Remus' dry voice is cut off as he seems to stumble over his words. "Well, ladies and gentlemen,, in a wild turn of events, Gryffindor's star chaser just snogged the Slytherin seeker,"

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