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For EllietheBellie 😊

"No! God, no, you can't be the one to tell him!" Regulus hisses at his boyfriend. "He's my brother, it'll have to be me,"

James sighs, pulling Regulus in by his waist for a hug. "I know, love, I know; but I don't want you to have to be the one to deal with how Pad's might react, y'know? Mum said she'll tell him if it comes down to it-"

"James, your mother isn't going to be the one to tell Sirius about us," Regulus cups James' face as he leans up to place a soft kiss on his lips. "How is your mother, anyways?"

James chuckles. "Well, mama, she isn't exactly over the moon that I've knocked up my eighteen year old boyfriend, but she's glad that at least I'm out of school so I can work on getting us some money put together for the little one, eh?"

Regulus smiles. "That sounds nice, J," He murmurs softly, grazing his lips against James'. He pulls away with a shy grin before, "I better be getting back up to the school, I'll see you at Christmas break, yeah?"

"Course you will!" James kisses his cheek. "We'll have some Christmas pudding and I'll rub some stupidly flowery scented lotion of that tummy of yours," He teases.

Regulus rolls his eyes fondly. "Okay, see you then, lovey," He kisses James goodbye, just for good measure. "And you''ll talk to Sirius for us?" He hesitates.

James winks at him, letting go of his waist. "Don't you worry your pretty little head 'bout it, darling, I'll sort it out with him, you don't have to worry about it at all," He promises, reassuringly. "Love you," He smiles.

"Love you too," Regulus calls softly as he turns to make his way towards the carriages, a large sense of relief washing over him.

Everything will be fine, Regulus reminds himself, James will talk to Sirius. It'll be just fine.

With a day to go until Christmas break and many, many breakable presents wrapped under the tree, James fears Sirius may get ideas; such as thrashing through the gifts with the riot he seems to be on.

Everything is mostly certainly not fine at the Potter's house.

James sighs. He had promised Regulus he would deal with Sirius' reaction. But he had lost his nerve too many bloody times within the past few weeks; hence why he decided to blurt the news at dinner and ever since, he, Peter and Remus have been doing their utmost best to cater to the breakable items within the Potter household's safety.

"But you....a-and him?! You and him!" Sirius cries, red faced and gripping at his long hair. "Jesus fuckin' Christ!" He shouts. "He's my brother! You're my friend!"

"Yes! Making my unborn child you biological niece or nephew-"

Sirius snaps. "Oh, give it a rest! Don't push it, Potter!"

Euphemia sighs softly. She reaches out to place a hand to her son's best friend's shaking shoulder. "Sirius, love, they make each other happy," She gently eases. "Don't you want the boy's to be happy with one another?"

Sirius shakes her hand away from him in a moment tof cruelness. "No! God, Regulus can't make anyone happy! He can't even make himself happy!" He turns to James. "He's eighteen, James. Eighteen! He can't have a baby, h-he can't!" Sirius protests. "A-and," He looks sad for a moment. His sadness quickly falters, his brave face coming back to surface as he whispers, "And you didn't ever tell me!"

KNOWING ME KNOWING YOU ⇒ jegulus one shotsWhere stories live. Discover now