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Walking up the narrow, icy hallway, his neat button down winters coat clinging to him, Regulus breaths in. He slowly pushes open a door, a lady nearby taking his jacket for him, rendering him slightly colder, but the tingly, fuzzy feeling I'm his body brings him wamrth. It brings him hope.

"Hey, good luck out there," A stagehand smiles softly, encouragingly.

Regulus exhales. "Thanks," He replies. He feels weightless, floaty, even.

Regulus steps out from behind the curtain. He feels light headed as he begins to read his poems to the large crowd. Everything feels right.

The crowd if full, but Regulus sees his little girl sitting near the front, her auntie Andromeda letting her sit on her lap. Ivory waves. Regulus can't help but smile back at her, waving softly.

Ivory's tiny hands frail wildly. Ivory Lil Black.

Should James ever meet her, Regulus wishes for him to perish at the mention of her name. Regulus had wanted to honour Lily Evans somehow, to pay homage to her and all of the things he accidentally did to her. A tribute to apologizes he never knew he had owed until it was too late.

Andromeda beams proudly, proud that her cousin had lived through it all and had finally arrived at this moment; his moment.

A moment of his very own.

And as Regulus glances wide eyed around the room, his grey eyes startled in awe and wonder, utterly astonished, he suddenly spies someone. At the very back, hidden within a darkened corner, it's dim lighting offering privacy, hides none other than James himself.

Regulus, in truth, hasn't thought of James in years. Lily, however, he thinks of almost everyday. The guilt of it all still devours at him. Ivory doesn't resemble James in the slightest. She is every bit Regulus and within her, Regulus begins to finally see the beauty in himself.

James is slumped against a pillar near the library's end. He is almost disguised, his denim jean jacket swallowing him. He looks the same, unchanged and unbroken by their time apart. Perhaps the love affair had not maimed him as much as it had chewed Regulus to pieces, strangling him with it's sharp, vicious teeth.

Regulus adverts his gaze. He continues reading. He doesn't glance near the corner of the library again. Just as he doesn't peer back into his past anymore.

Sorry its short! Its just 400 words. I opted to change song choices because I like how better man fits with it! I didn't want this to end on a happy note because sometimes stories don't always end nicely. Some things are better left unaddressed and I like to think that Regulus wouldn't ever seek James out again after the events of the previous one shots in this mini series. Also, keep tuned in to my profile, I have something special coming for Christmas that I am very excited to share with you all!! I hope you all enjoyed reading this, once again, thank you so very much for all of the feedback and love I've been receiving! Stay safe everyone!

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