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"Here you go, mama," James presses a kiss to Regulus' temple as he lowers himself down into the sofa, his kiss tender and sweet. He gently thrusts the marshmallow filled mug of hot chocolate into Regulus' hands.

Regulus smiles softly. "Thank you, lovey," He whispers softly as he leans closer to James, resting his head upon the elder's shoulder.

James swipes a marshmallow and grins. "And I didn't even have to use magic," He smirks, proud of his work. Regulus is prideful too, he's always filled with pride for his James.

Regulus is about to reply when James' grin fades and a loud sneeze erupts from him, startling Regulus off of his shoulder.

Regulus looks to him with concerned eyes. "James?"

"Mmh?" James sneezes once more.

"Are you feeling poorly, love?" Regulus asks gently. He places a hand to James' shoulder. "You never get sick, are you coming down with something?"

It's true, James Potter is usually the pinnacle of health. Regulus is his juxtaposition, always either snuffly or weighed down by some kind of flu induced migraine.

But not James though. 

James Potter doesn't get sick. It is a quality he prides himself on. He eats healthy, he exercises, he gets the correct amount of sleep; how could he be anything other than healthy? But perhaps James' immune system isn't all that advanced as he sneezes before he can reply.

Finding his breath, James murmurs, shaking his head. "M'fine, Reg, honestly!" He laughs softly. "Me? Sick? You know that'll never happen,"

Regulus sighs softly, taking a sip from his hot chocolate, a hand on his bump. "You're surely not that immune, Jamie," He replies. "Even Superman gets sick every now and then, tosser," He reminds his husband.

James blinks. "I didn't even know you knew about Superman," James seems impressed and Regulus knows this isn't the time for it, but;

"Course I do!" Regulus scoffs with a chuckle. "Sirius was always a big Batman fanatic, though, you think he pictures him and Rems as Batman and Robin?"

James snorts, holding in a sneeze. "Be my Lois Lane?"

"Fuck off,"

James smirks boldly as he steals yet another puffy marshmallow. "Alright then, be my Gwen Stacey, I did always prefer Spiderman,"

A week later and James' nose runs constantly to the stage he has begun carrying a box of tissues with him 'just for emergencies'. Regulus merely rolls his eyes, hoping James will announce his illness before Regulus has to confront him on it.

James sneezes throughout the entire night and Regulus has debated either moving to their guest room or moving James to their guestroom. He still hasn't come to a veridct as James sneezes once more.

Regulus rolls over, the baby kicking wildly beneath his skin. "Y'know, I told you, I bloody well told you, that you were coming down with some sort of flu,"

James turns, eyes slightly red and puffy, the tip of his nose bright red and Regulus would have made a Rudolph joke on any other occasion, but right now certainly isn't the time for an animagus pun.

"M'fine!" James insists in a scratchy voice.

Regulus sighs. "Just let me take care of you, stupid, you're sick, James Potter,"

"Let me take care of you?" James splutters with a nasally tone. "How many times did you cast a silencing charm over the bloody bathroom so I wouldn't hear your morning sickness?!"

Regulus groans, defeated. "Fine! Point made!"

"Anyways, aren't I supposed to be taking care of you?" James replies with a sickly grin. He gently rubs his hand along Regulus' swollen belly. "Daddy takes care of mummy," He muses.

"Erm, mummy takes care of himself," Regulus states firmly.

James smiles softly, peeking up at his husband. "Yes, yes he bloody does,"

The next morning, Regulus is the first to wake. James is still snoozing rather peacefully, and quietly; which in Regulus' eyes is a huge victory considering James' constant sneezing lately.

Regulus untangles himself from James' loving arms and makes his way downstairs slowly and silently to make James something to eat. As he butters James' toast for him and pours his husband a cup of green tea, which James hates but Regulus would perish without, Regulus feels their baby kick firmly, reminding him of their presence.

Regulus cups a hand to his protruding bump. "Daddy's feeling sick, sweetheart, so mummy's going to have to play healer, eh? Your auntie Marlene is a healer, maybe I'll have to have a word with her," Regulus hums softly as he rubs his large belly, the baby interacting and responding back with a kick.

Carrying the tray up the stairs, Regulus renters their bedroom to see James half lidded and slightly more awake than he had been when Regulus had left him. Regulus smiles softly at his stubborn husband.

"Good morning, lovey,"

James lazily smiles back. "Mornin'," He retorts. "What have you got there, mama?" He eyes the tray.

Regulus sets the tray down on the bedside locker. "I brought you some breakfast," He answers. "You're sick, James, I'm going to take care of you, alright?"

James seems to give in. "Oh, alright then," He sighs softly as he reaches for his tea, sipping graciously. He turns to face Regulus, looking down at the exposed sliver of his belly that can be seen from his slightly ridden up pajamas shirt. "What'd you think, Prongslet, should I let mumma take care of me? Do you reckon he'd make a good nurse?"

Nodding, Regulus rolls his eyes. "Obviously I would," He smirks. He pats his belly. "Prongslet and I actually discussed this, they're all on board and want their daddy right as rain as soon as he can be,"

James grins tiredly. "You're a godsend, Regulus Black,"

"Since you always take such good care of me and Prongslet, its the least I can do, love," Regulus gently strokes back a few stray strands of James' untamed nest of hair, it is especially unruly in the mornings but neither mind. "I love you, sweetheart, feel better soon," He mumbles softly.

"Love you too, little mother," James replies with a soft yawn. "But you should probably vacate the area soon,"

Regulus squints while frowning. "And why would I do that?"

James shrugs. "The baby, silly," He answers. "What if I get you sick too? If you're sick, Prongslet is sick too," James says, his voice stern and unwavering. "I can't get you and our baby sick, Reg. If anything happens to either of you because of me-"

Regulus smiles, his smile laced with even more appreciation for his husband. "Don't be so brave and heroic, if you're sick and I get sick, we'll all be fine," He confirms. "We're both fine," Regulus pets his bump. He leans forward and softly kisses James' cheek. "Now get some rest," Regulus teases firmly.

James rolls his eyes but Regulus only smirks. "Doctors orders, Potter,"

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