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James feels Regulus sway as he grips his boyfriend's waist, steadying him tenderly. Regulus hums deliriously. "You are very pretty, you know?" Regulus utters, drunkenly. "Lemme take you home, sweetheart, show you a good time?"

James laughs. "I'll take you home to bed. C'mon, let's get you to bed, honey," He muses, pressing a kiss to Regulus' temple. His boyfriend's cheeks are flushed, a rosy red shade. "You've had far too much to drink, troublemaker," He chuckles. "And a little eager too, aren't you?" He grins.

Regulus stumbles and James is there to catch him. "Woah, easy, loverboy," James laughs softly. "Watch your step, mmh?"

"I am watching my step," Regulus slurs with a small laugh. He kisses James' cheek, then his forehead, before finally finding his lips. "Mmh, I love you," He mutters. "Love you,"

James slowly unlocks their apartment door after trudging slowly with Regulus up the stairs, his hand never leaving his boyfriend's slim waist; keeping his held tight and steady. They had left their muggle radio playing.

"Here, sit on the sofa, love. I'm gonna get you some water, alright? Just stay here," James lightly pats the sofa, as if encouraging Regulus to remain seated there.

Regulus staggers onto the sofa, smiling to himself. "Hey, how much did Sirius drink? Bet I drank more than him, mmh?" He laughs.

James rolls his eyes, reentering the room with a glass of water and ice. "Here," He thrusts the glass towards his boyfriend. "Drink slowly, love," He reminds as Regulus takes a long sip. He sits next to Regulus, leaning his head on Regulus' narrow shoulder. "And, if it matters, I think you did drink more than Sirius,"

Regulus whines. "Why aren't you drunk like me?" He groans, placing a hand delicately to his temple. "This sucks," He muses softly. "I feel like the room is running away from me. Hey....are...are you able to catch up to the room? Because I can't, James?" He mumbles, squinting at his boyfriend. "Is the room running from you too? Or just me? Why aren't you drunk?" He rambles.

James watches as Regulus takes another sip from his glass. He snorts softly. "Oh, baby, I don't know," James chuckles, leaning further into Regulus' side.

Regulus places his glass on the nearby coffee table before looking to James in the dimly lit room. "You look gorgeous right now," He grins drunkenly. "I love you, James,"

"Love you too," James leans his head up to join their lips. He feels himself deepen the kiss. "Mmh. Love you, baby," He utters softly.

"Baby," Regulus repeats in a whisper. His eyes widen, as though a thought has struck him. "Oh, James, hon, we should have a baby,"

At this James laughs. He genuinely laughs. Sitting upwards, cackling loudly, he shakes his head. Regulus sits up too, his eyebrows furrowed together, his expression puzzled. "Why...why is that so funny? Why are you laughing? you not want a baby? With me?"

James snorts again. "Regulus, sweetheart, please don't tell me you've drank yourself into anmesia, hon," He smiles. He takes Regulus' hand and places it on his abdomen. "Darling, I'm six months pregnant. Why do you think I'm not drunk like you?" He laughs gently.

Regulus' grey eyes widen as he flatens his palm against James' swollen belly. "Oh...oh my God," He whispers. "Why are you only telling me now?" He gasps softly.

"Reg, babe, you were with me in the ensuite when I took the test. This isn't news to you, sweetie,"

Regulus blinks. "Oh my God! Was I really?" He exclaims, a wide smile spreading across his face as he moves his thumb in soft, little half moons across James' belly. "Oh, I'm so happy," He murmurs. "We're really having a baby?"

"Well. Either that or I've just gained this belly for no reason," When Regulus' face falls, James has to remind himself of just how intoxicated his boyfriend is. "Sorry, I'm being silly, aren't I?" He chuckles. "Yes, love, we're really having a baby," He smiles. "That's your baby, right in there," He pats his belly.

Regulus grins wildly. "Oh wow!" He breathes. " we know what we're having?" He asks.

"Nope," James shakes his head. "You said it's the one surprise we'll ever truly have, so we voted against finding out their gender," He tells his boyfriend. "But I think it's a boy, and you think we're having a little girl, you know?"


"Yes. Really, hon. You said you could see yourself being a girl daddy," James smiles again, wider this time, if possible. "We're having a baby, Regulus,"

"Wow," Regulus utters. He leans down, placing his head against James' baby bump. "Wow, wow," He whispers. "Oh, James, wow,"

"I know, right? Pretty amazing, isn't it?"

"I really wanted a baby with you. For so long. So, so long," Regulus beams as he rubs James' bump softly. "Cause I love you, y'know? I love ya, James," He whispers over and over. He hiccups suddenly and James realizes that his boyfriend is crying. Slowly, James brings a hand to rest in Regulus' dark hair.

"Hey, hey, what're you getting all choked up on me for, lovey?" James asks softly, his voice soothing.

Regulus sniffs, looking up to James with teary eyes. "We have a kid in there?" He asks. James nods. Regulus wipes at his eyes. "Oh, wow," He utters quietly. "I...I've just wanted this for awhile, and I didn't know it was happening until now,"

James laughs gently. "You knew, baby, you knew," He reassures. "We planned for this, sweetheart. You, me and baby makes three and all of that sort of stuff," He smiles down at Regulus. "You just need to sober up, you beautiful little idiot," He grins. He strokes Regulus' hair. "I love you, honey, I especially love when you get drunk like this, it's funny, and your cheeks get all rosy. Very sexy."

Regulus chuckles, sitting up. He cups James' face with his hands. "God, you're gorgeous," He mumbles as he joins their lips. "Pretty, pretty boy," Regulus mutters against James' lips. "Pretty mama,"

"Daddy's pretty handsome too," James smirks, smiling against Regulus' lips. He pecks Regulus' lips softly, pressing a hand to his bump. "Congratulations, you're going to be a father, hon," He whispers through a smile.

The radio begins playing a new song, humming the lyrics, the soft rhythm of Slave To Love begins. Regulus laughs wildly. "I love this song," He beams, his voice slurred.

James chuckles. "We really should get you to bed. You're going to have quite the migraine tomorrow morning, sweetheart,"

"No, no, dance with me, please?" Regulus asks.

James snorts. "It's almost one in the morning-"

"Perfect time for a dance?" Regulus challenges.

"Oh, alright, you tosser," James grins smittenly. "But you're going to have to help me up. I'm not as agile as I once was, thanks to you," He rolls his eyes.

Regulus, to his drunken credit, does help James up, and he does so rather gently. He grips James' hand tightly, working hard to stay them both. Hooking his arms around James' waist, Regulus presses their foreheads together. "I love you so, so much," He whispers quietly through the dim living room. "And our little girl,"

"Or our little boy," James smirks back.

"I'll fight you on that when I've had a little less to drink, gorgeous. We can dispute it while you're curing my hangover with some beautiful morning sex," Regulus smirks lazily, raising an eyebrow suggestively.

"Why's that? Are you scared I'll win because you're so drunk?"

"Not drunk. Just happy," Regulus insists.

"Slave to love," The radio hums. "And I can't escape, I'm a slave to love,"

Short and sweet, just over 1300 words! Thanks for reading! 💞

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