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Renee Celeste Potter doesn't know what to think when her uncle Moony wakes her lightly. She had been on a sleepover with them, her mummy and daddy had dropped her off while her daddy help her mummy's hand tightly, mummy didn't look very good but he hadn't looked like himself in quite some time.

For starters, his belly was twice the size it used to be and Renee couldn't snuggle her mummy as much as she once could.

"Hey, pretty girl," Uncle Moony brushes her hair with his skinny hands. "Come on and we'll have some brekkie. Then, uncle Pad and I want to take you to meet somebody,"

"Mama and daddy?" She asks with her eyes peering up at him. Uncle Moony chuckles and scoops her into his arms, Renee loves uncle Moony's cuddles.

Uncle Moony shakes his head before replying. "How did you know that, eh, superstar? We're going to take you in to see your mummy and daddy,"

Renee smiles and clings her little arms around his neck as he carries her to the kitchen where uncle Pad is making their breakfast; pancakes. Renee loves pancakes. But she still thinks her daddy makes better ones than uncle Pad.

She watches as uncle Moony sets her down in a chair and uncle Pad leans in to kiss uncle Moony softly. "Morning, Renee," Uncle Pad greets as he plops a plate of neatly cut pancakes in front of her.

Giggling, Renee picks up a strawberry from the pile of fruit and pops it into her mouth. "Uncle Pad, can we go see mummy and daddy now?" She asks as soon as her uncles sit down either side of her.

Uncle Pad grins. "After breakfast, sweetie," He promises with a wink and uncle Moony smirks at him. Renee wonders briefly why her uncles always seem to giggle at one another.

Uncle Moony holds her tightly as they step out of the floo. Renee feels dizzy for a few seconds but the nausea balances out as soon as she spot her daddy standing in the receptionist lobby, waiting for them.

Renee reaches a chubby hand towards her daddy. "Daddy!" She calls with a wide grin. "Daddy!"

Her daddy turns to her with a wild smile, bright as ever. His smile, even though it may be a little sleepy, comforts Renee as he smiles gleefully. "Hiya, baby girl! Gosh, have you gotten even taller in the last few hours?"

Renee giggles as uncle Moony passes her over to her daddy. Her daddy gives her the biggest kiss on the cheek and Renee leans into his chest. "Mama?" She looks up at him. He smiles even wider than before, grinning from ear to ear.

Uncle Pad clears his throat. "Prongs, we'll wait here for a bit. Let you four settle, eh?" He says with a winning smile.

Four. Renee wrinkles her nose. Last time she had checked, her and her mummy and daddy counted as three people.

Her daddy trails her through about a million long corridors, or at least it feels like a million corridors. That is until they reach a white door and her daddy pushes the door open. Renee peers inside the room until her eyes land on the only face she wants to see.

She gasps. "Mama!"

Her mummy looks tired and sleepy and too smiley and there's a tiny bundle in his arms. "Hi, baby," Her mummy smiles wearily. His round belly is gone, he looks just like he used to before he and daddy started talking about a baby brother she would be getting soon.

Her daddy sits on the edge of mummy's bed, letting Renee crawl out of his lap and arms to greet her mummy with a wet kiss to his cheek. "Mama, your hairs all wet!" She giggles. She gently pats his wobbly belly, it jiggles slightly so she laughs. "And your tummy isn't so big anymore!"

Her mother grins softly. "I know, love. I had a shower before you go here, daddy and I though it'd be nicer if I freshened up for you," He teases. "Of course my tummy's smaller, the baby isn't in there anymore," He nods towards the blankets.

Renee peeks down at the bundle to see exactly what the blsnkets are hiding. "Oh! Mama! My baby brother is here!" She squeaks with delight. "I didn't know he was going to be here,"

Her daddy pulls them into a small huddle, kissing her mummy's forehead. Renee wrinkles her nose. She thinks her parents kiss far too much, uncle Moony and uncle Pad also engage in kisses too much.

"Yes, honey, this is your baby brother," Her daddy answers with a smitten smile as he gazes down at the baby in her mummy's arms. "Renee, this is Juniper,"

Renee smiles down at her baby brother. "He looks like mummy," She muses.

Her parents share a soft laugh. "He does, doesn't he, love?" Her mummy smiles with a yawn. "Juniper's going to come home with us and you guys can play together when he's big enough. You're going to be the greatest big sister, aren't you, my darling girl."

Renee nods firmly. She is going to be the greatest big sister.

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