chapter 1

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When Zhou Heng arrived downstairs, Lin Shuicheng was still packing. The dilapidated residential area was noisy, and a group of children nearby turned their heads to gaze curiously at the luxurious spacecraft parked below.

Lin Shuicheng had just returned after class, and his shirt bore a few streaks of dust from the stairs. He tried his best to poke his head out from the pile of cardboard boxes and apologized softly: "Sorry, I still have something to take."

There is a red tear mole at the end of his eye, which can make people's hearts skip a beat.

Zhou Heng politely said, "Mr. Fu mentioned that you don't need to bring anything; we can buy things when we move to Star City."

Lin Shuicheng insisted, "I've discarded everything disposable, but these are my books, documents, and my cat."

He put the box in the trunk and went upstairs again. He is very thin, slender and beautiful, polite, and has the tenacity to engage in scientific research.

A better description would be bookish, and a worse description would be earthy and not up to the mark.

Dealing with tasks involving the boss's money while serving the boss was a routine for Zhou Heng during his long tenure as Fu Luoyin's assistant. However, encountering someone as unconventional as Lin Shuicheng, who was not adhering to the usual norms, was a rare occurrence in Zhou Heng's life.

The data that these student labs have worked so hard to produce, and the project results are all a matter of Fu Luoyin's word.

Lin Shuicheng only focused on his data and did not realize that there were many good opportunities waiting for him in the future - his current alliance, Star City University Jiangnan Branch, had the same score, but the geographical location and career resources were nowhere to be compared. Headquarters? Are you still worried about not having any new projects to do? The information here will be wasted even if you take it over there.

Having followed Fu Luoyin for two years, Lin Shuicheng remains the same from the first time Zhou Heng saw him. He only wears exquisite and luxurious clothes when they are provided, and even without calls from Fu Luoyin, he patiently waits by the dining table for months.

Zhou Heng thought, this is probably the most common type of 'sugar daddy' relationship. At first it's for money, but later it's love.

The last thing Lin Shuicheng took down was a round reagent cup filled with a tube of light blue liquid.

Probably because it was a fragile item, he kept holding it in his hand. He was stopped when passing through the aircraft security check, and the security inspector asked: "What is this?"

"Copper sulfate aqueous solution." Lin Shuicheng said. "There's also some potassium nitrate, ammonium chloride, ethanol and camphor in there."

"What is this for?"

"Mixed solutions can separate crystals when the temperature changes. Also called a storm bottle, it's very beautiful."

They walked through the VIP channel dedicated to Fu Luoyin. The security inspector just went through the motions and let them go after asking questions.

Lin Shuicheng's cow cat did not go through the check-in procedure and boarded the plane with Lin Shuicheng. The cabin was oxygenated, and this native cat with no trace of blood also enjoyed top-notch treatment. After eating foie gras, he lay on Lin Shuicheng's lap and fell asleep.

It takes five hours to fly from the Jiangnan branch to the center of Star City. Lin Shuicheng didn't sleep, so he lowered his head and clicked on the text message.

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