chapter 112 extra

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"I have never dared to ask before. I heard that you have nine brothers and sisters in your family, right? You are so lucky. They must love you very much. We used to be in the same class."

This is Dong Shuo . The first sentence I heard after I went to junior high school class at night.

He was the first to arrive and was flipping through a complete set of high school and college books that had just been sent to him. When I looked up, I saw a boy walking in with a book in his arms and smiled friendly at him.

The sun slanted into the room, illuminating the boy's bright face.
He knew him, Xia Ran, the only son of the Xia family.

The children of these families have their own circle, and they can always meet each other whether they go to the alliance official compound or at banquets and drinks.

He is the youngest child of the Dong family and the least noticed among the Annihilation crowd.

It's not surprising that Xia Ran knew him. The Dong family and Xia family even lived next to each other. Xia Ran would call him brother when he came over occasionally. But before that, he had no more interactions with him.
He didn't play with him often, but he knew that Xia Ran had another close friend, Fu Luoyin, the second oldest child in the Fu family.

He went on to read his book.

A complete set of junior high school books and high school books, plus class time, will take about half a month to read with the naked eye. The High School Affiliated to Xingda University where they attend is a joint program for junior and senior high school students, and everyone has to take an exam after their sophomore year of high school.

He has a natural photographic memory, and only his grandfather who raised him knows this. Dong's family is very complex. Dong's father married five wives. His biological mother died of illness when he was very young.

It is not a good thing to be surrounded by tigers, wolves and talented people in such a family. He has learned to hide his strength and bide his time since he was a child, and no one has paid much attention to him.

But now, he finally had the opportunity to study and leave home. According to his plan, this will be his opportunity to gradually show his talents.

The Dong family and the Xia family have a close relationship, and the Xia family relies on the space agency. The space agency had just been built that year, seven offices were established, and Fu Kai took office not long ago.
He is naturally greedy for power, and if he wants to stand out, not only does his father want to see him, but he wants to look down on the entire Dong family.

He could give up everything for this. The time spent playing with peers, the opportunity to be discovered by others, including the young boy's heartbeat as the sun shines in at that moment.

He likes to spend summer.

He is gloomy by nature and naturally likes people and things that light up like the sun.

He had never thought about asking for anything in this regard. His love for Xia Ran did not conflict with his hope that Fu Luoyin could unite with the Xia family and divert the Dong family's influence away from the space agency.

And after seeing the sun extinguished with his own eyes, he no longer cared about the false beauty.

Emotions are useless.

He was not born with strong emotions, but his bones were made of power, and his skin was black from skin to bone.

He established a good relationship with Fu Luoyin as he wished, anticipated the current direction of the alliance's development five years in advance or even earlier, and agreed with Fu Luoyin to embark on a mutually beneficial path together.

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