chapter 30

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Lin Shuicheng just staggered. After Han Huang supported him, he quickly stood still, lowered his eyes and said, "I'm fine, thank you."

Seeing the movement, everyone else stood up. Yang Zhiwei was the fastest runner. He took Lin Shuicheng's arm and asked Han Huang to lift him out: "Classmate, help me take him to your school's infirmary. His condition is overexertion and hypoglycemia."

The student union officer also quickly brought a glass of warm water to Lin Shuicheng. After taking a few sips, Lin Shuicheng felt nauseated and choked. He squatted down with some pain, but Yang Zhiwei stopped him: "Don't squat, stand, stand for a while."

Han Huang made a decision immediately, squatted down and said, "Help him on my back, I will carry him over directly, and I will drive him!"

He ran all the way carrying Lin Shuicheng on his back.

Xingda strengthened the security inspection and no one's car could drive in. However, his small battery car played a key role at this time. A bunch of people jumped on the back seat of the battery car. Han Huang was driving in the front, while the officer carefully supported Lin Shuicheng from behind and secretly looked at the people in the car: Yang Zhiwei, Yang Shen, Director of the Seventh Division Xiao Jue, Dean Shen Zhui, and He Muya The bodyguards around him, and Dong Shuoye, the deputy section chief of the police force who finally climbed up.

What a fucking luxurious lineup!

The operator was trembling, holding Lin Shuicheng all the way and not daring to speak. Yang Shen brought mints with him and gave them to Lin Shuicheng first. After a checkup by the doctor at the school hospital, he found that it was hypoglycemia caused by overwork and exhaustion, and he needed to rest in bed and, most importantly, get some sleep.

The school hospital prescribed two liver-protecting pills, then gave Lin Shuicheng normal saline and nutrient solution, and told Lin Shuicheng to have a good sleep.

Lin Shuicheng was placed in the ward, describing himself as tired and on the verge of collapse.

Yang Zhiwei came in to see him and whispered: "Xiao Lin."

Lin Shuicheng also called him: "Teacher."

"You've finished your report. I saw it. It's very beautiful. You have a good rest and you don't have to worry about the rest. Adults have to do their own business. You kids, don't get involved." Yang Zhiwei said, "I also I'm on my way to catch up, so I came over to see you and leave first."

Lin Shuicheng nodded.

Even though he has graduated from the first year of graduate school, Yang Zhiwei still retains the habit of calling him "kid".

He knew that Yang Zhiwei was referring to these matters in the department.

In fact, whether it is him or someone else who stands up today, Yang Zhiwei will come, because this involves the confrontation and competition between their schools, the difference between the old European branch forces and the old North American branch school. Xu Kong was ill and recuperating, and they couldn't let their students go up and fight alone.

Yang Shen also came over to check on his situation. Hemuya's bodyguard came over and stuffed a business card into him and told him: "Ms. He, please come and be a guest when you have time. Of course, after you have recovered, she has something to do." I want to talk to you.”

Lin Shuicheng nodded again.

Dong Shuo stopped at the door at night. He and Xiao Jue knew each other but were not familiar with each other. After saying hello to each other, they both went into the ward to visit.

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