chapter 105

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The door in front of him slowly opened, the skylight from outside came in, and his familiar and respected figure appeared outside.
Yang Zhiwei was dressed in a straight suit and looked gentle and elegant. The pain was eroding his body. His skin color revealed an abnormal dryness and grayness. His whole body had lost its color, but his eyes were still sharp and gentle, and His expression on the podium was the same back then.

——At that time, Lin Shuicheng went to see him after class. He was seventeen or eighteen years old, had just entered college, and his family had just been destroyed. He asked him questions with his stubbornness; and Yang Zhiwei's eyes saw through his eagerness and embarrassment, and also saw the ambition and expectation growing in his eyes.

He asked him directly: "Do you want to do experiments with me?"

That was the first bright light before Chu Shihan in all the gloomy and gloomy memories of Lin Shuicheng after his senior year in high school.
Lin Shuicheng's eyes turned gray for a while, as if his spirit had been separated from his body, and all the sounds in the world had left him.

This is the last door. It is raining heavily outside, and the wind and moist breath blow through the door.

Yang Zhiwei held an umbrella and looked at him with eyes that were gentle and almost compassionate: "It's not your fault, child. From the moment you were born with the lithium-resistant gene, you were destined to be different. That one, you are the god we created. You are No. 704. Before you, we conducted experiments on many infants and young children, but none of them were as successful as you. After you, we also tried to replicate more experiments. We want to study the excellent codes in your genes that can be cracked, and conduct early behavioral training of infants and young children similar to you, but what we get are fakes. You, only you, are unique, my most perfect work."

Lin Shuicheng said He couldn't say anything. After a long time, his voice trembled so much that he could barely hear it: "Why, teacher, why."

"If you ask why." Yang Zhiwei said softly, "General He established the army forty years ago for ambition.

The consequences of the Seventh Division were out of her control. She founded the Seventh Division and gathered core personnel from all scientific research fields to make the Seventh Division independent of the entire alliance's political system. She identified the future direction of the alliance's resource tilt and wanted to break through the ethics of science and technology. To achieve the development she wants - comprehensive human genetic modification, the true eradication of geniuses, and the elimination of diseases. To achieve all this, she cannot do it alone. She has to find someone who has the same goal as her, as She used her sword to accomplish all this while eliminating the thorns in her side - such as Fu's military technology led by Fu Qingsong. She believed that sooner or later they would threaten national security."

"I was twenty years old at that time, graduated with a Ph.D., and had just started. Research in the atomic field. She called me. The weather that day was as beautiful as the day she found you. In the glass flower house, she chose me to be this person."

Yang Zhiwei said softly. "It's a pity that things went against our wishes. General He has been arbitrary all his life, but not everyone is willing to listen to her. Compared with meaningless remarks such as contributing to the alliance, more people are more willing to listen to the voice of God - and the so-called miracles , it was just a butterfly effect model that I made casually out of boredom, which is very interesting. Later, she realized that she could not control me, and she began to look for a second-generation scientific research spokesperson, and she was eager to start with the academic world. It's a pity that it didn't succeed."

Lin Shuicheng still murmured and repeated: "Why..."

"If you ask me." The smile in Yang Zhiwei's eyes finally slowly disappeared, and he returned to the stern person in the laboratory The image of a calm mentor said, "Do you still remember what I have to do every time before I let you enter the laboratory?"

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