chapter 28

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As the project deadline arrives, the topic of this project in Xingda has also been pushed to the forefront.

So far, more than 30,000 people have participated in the post about Lin Shuicheng and Yu Fan's voting. Not only because this project is difficult and causing a big fuss, but also because there are many people with interests behind it - the Xingda academic community, the Xingda administration, The General Affairs Office... some people even found out through layers of connections that although this is a mineral water project on the Xingda University campus, the supporters behind it are definitely not ordinary people.

"Xingda students and professors compete for finals" is a hot topic in itself for the outside world.

The focus of academic circles is: According to the current information, this famous painting identification cannot be done using currently known detection methods. Is it possible that it involves atomic or molecular level fraud? If it is such a fraud, what means should be used to crack it, and what is the background of the random criminal forces behind it?

More and more people are turning their attention to this project, whether openly or secretly.

At three o'clock in the morning, five hours before the final report time, Han Huang, chairman of the student union, was directing the organization department to decorate the largest auditorium of Xingda University.

This auditorium is not usually used. It is only used on school anniversary days and academic lectures at the top level. As a student representative and the school organizing committee, Han Huang is responsible for the layout and checking the seating list.

"Chairman, can you please check if the first row of seats is arranged like this? All the people who will participate tomorrow have already registered. I just don't know who the representatives from each party will be." The operator brought a form with all the information on it. It is the person's name and the corresponding identity position. Since it is an academic report, Xingda University usually leaves some seats for students who want to watch and study on-site.

At present, the principal will be present, and all the professors from the Mathematical College will be present - except Xu Kong, who is still in bed and recuperating. In addition, only one representative from the General Affairs Office is coming, and media reporters and sponsoring companies have also reserved their seats.

"Wait a moment, I have updated information, please wait."

Han Huang noticed that the school had sent him a new emergency notice, emphasizing several times that he should pay attention to the arrangements, and also included many exclamation points. It was obviously very urgent.

He clicked on it and saw a few more names on the list. They were obviously people who decided to join temporarily.

Han Huang looked at it for a while and said nothing for a long time. After a while, he whispered one word: "Sun..."

The operator was confused: "Chairman, what's wrong?"

Han Huang quickly picked up his coat and rushed out: "What other arrangements are there for the first and second rows? The venue will be cleared tomorrow, and no unrelated personnel will be allowed in. Contact everyone! All school security personnel! Clear the venue all the way to the north gate, and put up safety barriers. , check in and out! Now hurry up and follow me to the security office to move the security equipment!"

The operator was going crazy: "There are only five hours left!"

Han Huang turned around and yelled at the hall: "Quickly! Everyone, get moving! Forget about seats and other things, tell everyone who can do the work to get up!! What the fuck knows is the completion report, Those who don’t know think that the alliance will be destroyed tomorrow! Don’t even sleep tonight!”

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