chapter 3

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Conference room on the top floor of the Alliance Deployment Building.

Fu Luoyin sat at the end of the conference table and casually threw the file in his hand on the table: "If you want me to continue the b40016102 plan, I request that the investigation results of Chu Shihan's assassination be restarted."

"I said... Mr. Fu." An old man opposite spoke, "We also deeply sympathize with the changes in your family, but firstly, the investigation results were closed by your father himself, and we have confirmed it. It was just a separate robbery incident. There was no one behind it. It was just simple... Your brother came down from the pier with the information and encountered a robbery and fight. Unfortunately, he was stabbed several times and died. The information has been recovered. This... is no longer available. The value of the investigation is over. Taking a step back, your brother also sacrificed his life for the B4 plan. If this project does not continue to be launched, we will be sorry for the data that Shihan worked so hard to protect!"

"Since there is no value in further investigation, there is no harm in restarting the investigation. The project cost will be borne by me alone." Fu Luoyin said. "This is my only request. I want to restart the investigation project into Chu Shihan's assassination."

There was silence in the hall.

Project b40016102 is a biological transformation plan of Alliance Division 7. It covers many fields such as mathematics, chemistry, biotechnology, simulation technology, and genetic research. It involves a lot of secrets and has a mixed group of participants, but most of them are businessmen.

The Fu family has always been the leader of this plan. As the second generation CEO, Fu Luoyin holds the key to this project - Fu Technology.

This group is a family business. According to Fu Fukai's age, this group has not reached the stage where Fu Luoyin, who is just in his early 25s, must be controlled. Fu Luoyin's current position is already comparable to that of many people in their 60s and 70s. The old man is on equal footing, which is really enviable.

However, Chu Shihan had an accident two years ago. General Fu was deeply hit. The young man who had fought for the alliance for most of his life suddenly collapsed. Not to mention Chu Jingshu, she fell into deep depression from then on and often faced her son. of photos of people crying in a daze. Fu Luoyin became the only person to take the courage.

The word "accident" is so light that it seems to have no weight, but it is the most helpless and irrefutable conclusion. Who can guarantee that he will not suffer from some kind of terminal disease or encounter an indiscriminate murderer?

Why did this accident happen to a young man who had just entered a new chapter in his life?

"Xiao Fu, you mean you don't agree with the investigation results at that time, is that true?" The person opposite frowned, "Do you think it was homicide?"

"I can't come up with a conclusion. I'm just puzzled by my father's decision to temporarily terminate the investigation. Starting the investigation is not inconsistent with my continuing the research on b40016102 under the company's name. I also hope that everyone here will not let these two things go. Things have become a conflict." Fu Luoyin said, "If there is nothing else, I will leave first. I have a meeting to hold in the afternoon at No. 7."

It has been raining a lot in the league recently.

When Fu Luoyin came home, Chu Jingshu was standing by the flower garden in a daze. This flower bed used to be planted with white lilies of the valley and tulips, but now no one takes care of it. In the cold wind and rain, the weeds are slanted and messy, and there are some wild flowers that are so gray that they can't see the color.

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