chapter 71

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"I don't agree." Fu Luoyin lowered his voice and said, "I won't agree, Lin Shuicheng. I told my mother that I would take you back for a visit at the end of the year. You can't -"

Lin Shuicheng didn't hear what else he said next.

Fu Luoyin still covered his ears, pressed him against the wall, lowered his head and buried it in his shoulder.

Lin Shuicheng asked: "Then I will send you back to the room? You drank too much. You didn't have to help me stop drinking today."

He is a good drinker.

When he first took over the project two or three years ago, he was still a student who would be offered drinks in turn and wouldn't refuse. Now that he has matured and grown up a lot, he knows how to take the initiative in such situations.

Fu Luoyin's whole body leaned towards him, and Lin Shuicheng could only reach out and put his arms around his shoulders. He was much taller than him, and people coming and going would glance at them, thinking that something beautiful was happening, but Fu Luoyin just buried her head gently in his neck.

After a while, he still said vaguely: "Don't listen, I don't agree."

Lin Shuicheng's ears were tightly covered by Fu Luoyin, which hurt a little. He reached out and took off Fu Luoyin's hand, and pulled him gently. Fu Luoyin came back to his senses and looked at him blankly. Hand - clasping his fingertips, slender and soft.

Fingertips rub, breathing is slightly warm.

At this moment, Lin Shuicheng realized that this action might be somewhat ambiguous.

Fu Luoyin's eyes lit up slightly when he looked at Lin Shuicheng, like many stars suddenly floating in an ancient well hidden in an underground river.

Lin Shuicheng wanted to take a step back, but there was no way to retreat. There was a wall behind him. And Fu Luoyin also pressed down--

Lin Shuicheng thought he was going to kiss him, but Fu Luoyin just looked at him closer, as if he was looking at a little baby that he couldn't put down, with a smile in his eyes. He looked at him with joy, and caution.

Then he gently lowered his head and kissed his forehead.

"Kitten," he cooed.

Lin Shuicheng tried his best to push him up, and his voice was clear and cold: "Go back to the room."

Fu Luoyin obeyed him obediently, but he had to hold him tightly with his fingers. The usually calm and steady man had really become a child at this time.

Lin Shuicheng didn't know where Fu Luoyin lived, so he took him into his room and helped Fu Luoyin to the bed with great effort.

Fu Luoyin wanted to take him to sleep with him, so Lin Shuicheng spent a lot of effort to cover him with a quilt. When he pulled Fu Luoyin's coat off, a box of two pills fell out.

Lin Shuicheng looked down at the name of the medicine, remembering how Fu Luoyin was sneezing desperately during the day, and was silent for a while.

He turned up the temperature of the air conditioner, then went to the table to pull out the roses from the eternal flowers and stuffed them into a free document bag.

He took out the remaining eternal cherry blossoms and put them in his hands one by one to straighten them out. Fu Luoyin's flower arrangement is simple and crude. If it can't be inserted, it will be forced into it. The fake flower stalks at the bottom have been broken and twisted into a ball. Lin Shuicheng divided the eternal flowers into three bunches, put one bunch in the vase, and put the remaining bunch on the table. He wrapped it with a table napkin and placed them randomly. The last bunch had the roots cut off. Lin Shuicheng only left the petals, which were also All put into transparent document bags.

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