chapter 35

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The two of them were playing until midnight, and Lin Shuicheng was still taken by Fu Luoyin to take a shower.

This time Fu Luoyin saw that he was in good condition, well-behaved and clingy as a little kitten, so he couldn't help but do him again in the bathroom.

He wrapped Lin Shuicheng in a quilt and threw him on the bed. Seeing that Lin Shuicheng had curled up and was about to fall asleep, he went over and caught him in his arms: "Blow your hair before going to bed. You will catch a cold if you do this."

Lin Shuicheng felt lazy and muttered in a low voice: "If you have a cold, take medicine. It will make you better. Let me catch a cold."

He obediently leaned against his chest. Since he wasn't sleepy yet, he lowered his head with wet broken hair and looked at his mobile phone, which was filled with dense documents.

Fu Luoyin had no choice but to reach out and rummage in the bedside table. Just like last time, he hugged him and freed his other hand to blow dry his hair.

He held Lin Shuicheng in his arms, and when he turned his head, he saw his side face and the red tear mole like a jewel at the end of his eye.

He's so obedient, but he always wants to harass him.

Fu Luoyin was blow-drying his hair and thinking about it. After a while, he reached out and poked his red mole.

Lin Shuicheng ignored him, and Fu Luoyin continued to poke, occasionally touching his cheek with his fingertips. When his hand blocked Lin Shuicheng's sight, Lin Shuicheng turned his head and bit his wrist gently. : "Don't be annoying."

The little lover has a good temper, and Fu Luoyin found that Lin Shuicheng was a bit naughty - he was very obedient in the first few days after moving to Star City, but these days he found that he had a good temper and dared to act coquettishly in front of him, demanding praise, but his attitude is also getting worse."

"Look how spoiled you are." He whispered, "Good student, why don't you give yourself some rest time and play games?"

Fu Luoyin rarely has a meeting tomorrow, so he plans to skip work - he never clocks in anyway. Lin Shuicheng didn't need to get up early. Two days after the Ming Dynasty was Student's Day, which basically meant he had a day off.

Neither of them were in a hurry to sleep.

Lin Shuicheng looked at him: "What game?"

Fu Luoyin: "Fight the Landlord."

This is a reserved project for him, Su Yu, and Dong Shuoye. They just want to relax. After every time they play cards in the air, everyone will check their scores and then give out red envelopes according to the proportion. They jokingly call each other the little ones who will be managed by their wives in the future. Treasury, even though none of the three of them had a serious partner.

After hearing his explanation, Lin Shuicheng looked at him for a while, then lowered his head and continued reading the document: "It has no technical content. It's boring."

"I haven't told you about Lianliankan yet, huh?" Fu Luoyin put his chin on the crook of his shoulder and teased him, "Lianliankan is quite technical? Doesn't it also count the shortest path?"

Lin Shuicheng ignored him, but after thinking about it, he exited the literature viewing page and downloaded a Landlord game.

Fu Luoyin watched him finish playing, and then discovered something - he didn't seem to have his little lover's social account.

He and Lin Shuicheng usually communicated through mobile phone text messages. And in two years, neither of them had thought about adding each other as friends on any platform.

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