chapter 48

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This information was obviously much more detailed than the one they obtained at the police station. They gave very detailed answers to the doubtful points they discovered last time: such as the missing investigation part of Chu Shihan's interpersonal relationship and his emotional status.

Lin Shuicheng's name was missing before, but now Lin Shuicheng's name appears in a large list of names in the same series and at different levels, and is ranked relatively low. The only few lines of introduction are "Relationship with the person under investigation: close to none. The crime was committed." Motive: None." The rest is some background information.

Although Chu Shihan's emotional part was written as nothing, he also wrote in more detail.

Chu Shihan himself has not had any romantic relationships since he was a child, but there are many people who pursue him. The names of all the people who pursue Chu Shihan are also listed here, along with the names of people who may be offended by such emotional relationships. After it came out, the subsequent information links amounted to hundreds of pages.

It was impossible to read through so many articles at once. Fu Luoyin and Dong Shuoye read it once, and initially estimated that this should be the original investigation record.

Fu Luoyin rubbed his temples: "Read them all and then check them for me later. I'm busy these days, so I probably won't be able to take care of them."

Dong Shuo smiled at night: "You really used me as a human hard drive. It would take me several days to look at so many things."

"Then come over and take a look at any time. This information cannot be taken out, and there is no rush now." Fu Luoyin said, "I still have a lot of things to do in the scientific research base here, so you don't have to rush too fast. And the old man's There is also something wrong with Bian’s attitude, I don’t know what he thinks yet.”

Dong Shuoye raised his eyebrows to express his doubts.

Fu Luoyin pondered and said: "I can't say for sure. He refused to let me investigate before, but in fact it didn't hinder me from restarting my brother's investigation. Now there is no obvious conclusion in the real file. I doubt it. He's stalling for time. But why he's stalling for time and for what purpose, it's hard to say."

Dong Shuoye said: "My uncle is in the Defense Bureau now, and before that he was in the Ninth Division. There must be a lot of information that we can't access, so maybe we don't need to pay too much attention to it."

"I think so too, but now that it has been reported and restarted, even if the conclusion is still an accident, we still have to investigate it carefully." Fu Luoyin said.

The chief came over and circled at his feet.

A visitor came to the house - although he had been here last time, it was obvious that the chief, the cat, no longer remembered Dong Shuoye.

When faced with strangers coming to his territory, the chief showed great vigilance - without Lin Shuicheng, he came over to inspect Fu Luoyin's presence and looked at him with green eyes.

Fu Luoyin asked it: "What are you doing?"

The chief still looked at him, turned around a few more times, and then jumped onto the coffee table.

Seeing that it was trying to sharpen its claws with the document bag, Fu Luoyin hurried over to pick it up.

The leader scratched the back of his hand with one paw, and then jumped down fiercely. Fu Luoyin took a breath, narrowed his eyes and smiled: "Little beast, don't be proud, I have to ask Lin Shuicheng to come back and give you a bath."

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