chapter 13

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Just as the call from Xingda was hung up, Fu Luoyin answered another call for Lin Shuicheng.

The call was also transferred from the hotel reception desk. This time it was a call from the veterinarian, asking when Lin Shuicheng's scheduled medical appointment should be postponed.

Fu Luoyin said: "I'll ask him. He's not awake yet. I'll call you back later."

There are heavyweights coming and going in the Star Central Hotel these days. In order to prevent spies, everyone's communication equipment has monitoring and transfer procedures. Lin Shuicheng registered his number. As long as the system detects his ID card and enters the hotel,, the call to room 313 will be automatically transferred to him.

After hanging up the doctor's call, Fu Luoyin turned his head and looked at Lin Shuicheng who was nestled in his arms - he was sleeping deeply, with peaceful brows, like a little angel, well-behaved, making people want to kiss him just by looking at him. One mouthful, but I was afraid of waking him up.

Lin Shuicheng slept until nine o'clock, and kissed and cuddled on the bed with Fu Luoyin for a while. Before he knew it, it was almost noon.

Fu Luoyin told him about the veterinarian's phone call and asked him, "Is the chief sick?"

"I don't like to eat very much and I'm not in good spirits. It may be the cat catching a cold." Lin Shuicheng said.

"Go to some pet hospital and have someone come to see you directly. You call Zhou Heng." Fu Luoyin said.

He was very concerned about the chief's physical condition. Lin Shuicheng thought for a while and then remembered that this man seemed to insist on stroking a handful of fried cow cats every time he came to the door. The chief scratched and scratched him again and again, but he didn't see him getting angry.

Fu Luoyin seems to be a cat lover.

He hesitated for a moment and said softly: "I took the chief to see a doctor. The pet hospital is very close to the First Singda Central Hospital. I want to stop by to see lin deng later."

Fu Luoyin was startled, and then he remembered that Lin Shuicheng did have a younger brother. It seemed that he had been staying in Jiangnan because something happened to his younger brother and he needed to be taken care of.

In the two years before they were together, he and Lin Shuicheng could count the number of times they had met on one hand. All they knew about Lin Shuicheng's family situation was that his parents were dead and his younger brother was seriously ill. He didn't bother with lin deng's transfer procedures and left them directly to Su Yu. Su Yu's mother was the head of the Neurology Department of the First Hospital and directly left the VIP care unit.

"I'll take you there." Fu Luoyin said, "Where do you want to eat?"

Lin Shuicheng looked at him in surprise: "Aren't you going to have a meeting today?

Fu Luoyin was drunk with Forsythia for two meetings yesterday. At this time, he said casually: "It's okay. I can stay with you until tonight."

Lin Shuicheng lowered his eyes and said yes.

Fu Luoyin drove to pick up the chief. On the way to the hospital, he changed cars and asked the driver to drive.

The cow cat was put in the cat bag by Lin Shuicheng. It was wilted. Fu Luoyin looked at it through the transparent cover of the cat bag. It also looked at him. It had lost all its strength and was just rolled up into a ball.

Lin Shuicheng gently put his hand in and placed it on the chief's forehead, comforting him from time to time.

The driver talked to them: "I can't tell the breed of Mr. Xiaolin's cat. Is it a native cat?"

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