chapter 26

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Countdown to the fourth day.

Fu Luoyin has been busy recently, and he also knows that Lin Shuicheng is busy. He has not been asked to cook recently, and he spends most of his time living in the residence assigned by the seven places.

Lin Shuicheng was very interesting when he was thinking about things. A few days ago when Fu Luoyin was at home, he was often seen walking around alone in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows. He could walk alone for several hours, just like a small pendulum.

Sometimes I would see Lin Shuicheng sitting on the sofa playing games.

Lin Shuicheng doesn't play online games or competitive mobile games that are popular among college students nowadays. He only plays games like Lianliankan and Dualpeng that don't require brain use. When Fu Luoyin was sitting next to him playing Landlord, he had watched him clear more than 400 levels in three hours. It was obvious that he was still thinking about the two paintings. He lowered his eyes in confusion and didn't respond to his name. .

Another time Fu Luoyin woke up in the middle of the night and went to the living room to get some water. He saw that Lin Shuicheng was no longer at home. At three o'clock in the morning, Lin Shuicheng ran to the school laboratory without saying a word and did not come back until noon the next day. After coming back, he ordered a batch of chemical equipment from nowhere, and locked myself in the workroom every day to titrate.

One time, Lin Shuicheng forgot to lock the door. After Fu Luoyin fed the chief and was chasing the cat, he passed by his door. He saw Lin Shuicheng, who was dressed in air-conditioning and had an almost solemn face, adding solution drop by drop to the Erlenmeyer flask.

His hands were very steady, and his fingers were long and white. Under the skin, there were traces of bones and looming light blue blood vessels. His long eyelashes would flutter and blink once a drop fell. Broken stars surged in his eyes.

That kind of expression is almost pious, like a monk ringing a bell in a temple, one drop at a time, one time at a time, nothing else, just repetition. It's just that the monks in the monastery can bring out the Zen spirit, but Lin Shuicheng's aura is obviously full of closed-in paranoia.

He doesn't want his help or anyone's assistance. This is the pride and light that can hurt people's eyes.

Fu Luoyin was afraid that he would starve to death at home in this state, and the chief would starve to death as well, so he specifically asked Zhou Heng to contact the housekeeper to come over every day to cook, clean, and feed the cats.

Lin Shuicheng didn't pay attention, nor did he care. Only when he was exhausted from thinking and calculating, did he think of going to the dining table to have a few bites of food. As for who came over and when he left, he had no idea.

The department agreed that Lin Shuicheng could take leave and devote all his energy to the famous painting appraisal project. But slowly, some people began to murmur. Yu Fan from the second team could still see him busy in the appraisal office every day. Lin Shuicheng, except for going to the General Affairs Office to understand the situation on the first day, he was basically invisible for the next few days. , no one can find him, no one can contact him.

People in the school also had different opinions on this: "Is he trying to run away? As soon as his cell phone is turned off, he will pretend that nothing happened. This is really shameless."

Fu Xue has been paying attention to the Xingda Forum. In addition to Yu Fan, there are several professors in the department who have close relations with their company and have collaborated on projects. If Yu Fan can successfully complete the project this time, then the network resources they have will be able to reach a higher level.

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