chapter 77

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In the study room, there was a beeping sound coming from the main unit.

Lin Shuicheng did not turn on the light. As the startup page appeared, a faint blue light came out, shining into his dark eyes, like a star.

His computer is still the same old computer. When Fu Luoyin moved in a few days ago, he also asked him if his computer needed to be replaced with a new one, because Lin Shuicheng's old version of the laptop was already outdated and there would be problems with its operation. There was a buzzing noise, but Lin Shuicheng refused.

He stared down at the USB drive in his hand.

This USB flash drive does not have any trademark, has a pure silver casing, is foldable and can be opened with a single click.

Lin Shuicheng's hands were a little shaky. When he plugged in the interface, he tried three times in a row before successfully connecting.

With a "didi" sound, his computer automatically connected to a domain name network that did not exist before, and a dark blue authentication interface popped up.

"The ninth branch of the Interstellar Alliance National Security Bureau logs in to the authentication system and welcomes you. Please insert your permission card or click to obtain the dynamic password."

Lin Shuicheng was startled.

This was different from the "summary of accidents across the alliance" that the informant told him. This was actually a login page for the alliance's national security system.

He is just an ordinary student without any permission card.

Lin Shuicheng tentatively clicked "Get dynamic password", but the page jumped directly to a dial-up page.

Lin Shuicheng stared at the call interface motionlessly. The green loading bar gradually appeared as if it had traveled a century.

At this moment, it is half past three in the morning.

The page access was successful, and someone answered the call and connected. At the same time, Lin Shuicheng turned on his phone and recorded quietly.

He said politely: "Hello."

The other side also said: "Hello, Lin Shuicheng."

This voice has been processed by a voice changer, changing the pitch, intervals, and pauses. Lin Shuicheng is no stranger to this tone. The last time he received a call at Xingda Hospital asking him for information about Chu Shihan, the person inside The sound is also encrypted in this way.

But he knew that the call was from Dong Shuoye, representing the Alliance Police Department.

The Ninth Division was a department he had never heard of before. The last time he heard it was a few days ago, when he heard the names of "National Security Bureau and Alliance Ninth Division" on the police communication channel.

"Please turn on your scanning camera. We need to confirm that you are Lin Shuicheng himself." A strange voice on the other side said.

Lin Shuicheng reached out and turned on the camera, and also turned on the desk lamp that had been turned off.

The small corner of the desk lit up.

"The facial scan recognition authentication has been passed." AI's cold voice came out.

The person opposite smiled: "Hello, let me introduce myself formally. I am the head of the Alliance Defense Bureau and Division Nine."

Lin Shuicheng saw his face appear on one side of the screen, but the person on the other side obviously had no intention of showing up. His expression was slightly indifferent and resistant: "It's no need to know each other. Give me the password. This is what you promised."

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