chapter 56

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The moment Fu Luoyin saw him sliding down, he was so stunned that he couldn't get angry at all.

He quickly helped the person up and stabilized him with quick eyes and hands, and shouted in a deep voice: "Lin Shuicheng!"

There was a clanging sound in the room. It was the chief who was so frightened by the sound that he rolled down from the stacked book boxes and meowed shrilly.

Lin Shuicheng said: "I'm fine, I'm fine, you..."

Before he could finish his sentence, his knees became weak again. He wanted to push Fu Luoyin away. He almost hit his head on the corner of the table after taking half a step. Finally, Fu Luoyin roughly pulled him over: "Change clothes, I I’ll take you to the hospital here, and we’ll talk about it later if anything happens.”

Fu Luoyin felt that his temples were twitching, and even his stomach, which had always been accustomed to being upset, seemed to be twisting up at the moment, and it was causing pain because of something.

He thought he was angry with Lin Shuicheng, but when he looked at Lin Shuicheng's unfocused eyes and pale face, he felt a little panic again for some reason - panic and heart palpitations that he had never known before.

He thought, why is this happening?

This uncontrollable thought also reminded him of the speech he had not been able to attend. He heard that Lin Shuicheng had fainted on the podium. Lin Shuicheng called him in the infirmary that day and put the phone next to his pillow.

He tried his best to talk him to sleep, told him about the deep wind and starry sky that day, and asked him if he wanted to catch a desert rabbit.

It seems like it happened yesterday.

Lin Shuicheng gasped for air and finally found a table to hold on to: "I'm fine, I got caught in the rain and got a fever. What's wrong with you? Come here."

Only now did he realize that Fu Luoyin seemed to have been waiting at the door.

"Su Yu told me you were here." Fu Luoyin thought of this, and the cruel look in his eyes suddenly spread again. Coldness crept up all over his body, and he stood there like an upright sculpture, as if the confusion just now had disappeared, leaving only the viciousness and coercion that he tried his best to restrain.

"You didn't take out the key before going out. Fortunately, I was the first one to come. Why, you broke up with me. You calculated the accounts so clearly and planned the breakup fee. Why are you so lost?"

Fu Luoyin took a step closer, and the overwhelming feeling of power increased by that step.

He looked down at Lin Shuicheng's eyes, staring at him almost viciously, as if just staring like this would make Lin Shuicheng irresistibly beg for mercy and admit his mistake, and tell him everything on his mind.

Fu Luoyin thought, Lin Shuicheng obviously couldn't leave him.

He obviously loved him terribly.

This was an escape that was destined to fail for one party from the beginning. He would be the ultimate winner, but - why was he so flustered?

Lin Shuicheng was still panting slightly. His face was scary, but because of his fever, his lips and cheeks were an unusual red. The rain soaked his hair, and his eyelashes were stained with rain, making his eyes look brighter.

Fu Luoyin has never seen anyone like Lin Shuicheng. His eyes are always sparkling, like water, filled with emotion, and like a patient who is dazed and crazy. When he glances over, he can make people feel a little  shocked.

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