chapter 4

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Fu Luoyin thought that what he wanted more now was the food cooked by Lin Shuicheng, but after receiving Lin Shuicheng's request, he slightly changed his mind.

He had never seen Lin Shuicheng's normal appearance. When he saw him before, Zhou Heng would help him dress up beautifully. Lin Shuicheng was dressed simply today, like every ordinary student. He stood in the laboratory wearing a white coat, looking beautiful and repelling others.

Especially the way he talks to others, with his hands in his pockets, his back straight, his head slightly lowered, and his broken hair hanging down, he is well-behaved and cold, which is in sharp contrast to the way he looks here.

A white peach feels hard to the touch and is not fully ripe. After tearing off the skin, Lin Shuicheng realizes that it is a ripe fruit. It is ripe but not rotten. It is at its best, plump and plump with green color. Astringent passion.

The Xingda campus was deserted, with thunderstorms and rain sweeping across it. He pinched Lin Shuicheng's waist and clearly felt that the person in front of him was in good condition today. I couldn't tell whether it was them or the rain and wind. The car windows shook, the wind whistled outside, the leaves rustled, and the gloomy sky pressed down, as if the end was coming.

Fu Luoyin asked in a low voice: "What's wrong today? You're so promiscuous, huh?"

Lin Shuicheng's eyes were red, and he hugged his shoulders tightly, trying his best to bury himself in his arms. When he didn't speak, Fu Luoyin bullied him even harder. Lin Shuicheng sobbed and said, "I miss you so much today and want to see you."

Fu Luoyin asked: "Do you miss me, or do you miss me this way?"

The car window shook violently again, Lin Shuicheng's fingers trembled convulsively, and then he bit him again: "I don't want to anymore."

"Why don't you think about it anymore?"

Lin Shuicheng didn't say anything, and just looked at him with red eyes, watery, as if he was coquettish and begging for mercy.

Fu Luoyin didn't want to do this. The more Lin Shuicheng acted like this, the more he wanted to kill him, and he couldn't control it. When Lin Shuicheng got out of the car, his waist was so weak that he had to kneel on the ground and was picked up by him.

When he picked him up, Lin Shuicheng tilted his head and buried his face on his shoulder, refusing to see anyone.

After carrying the person through the door and putting him down, he walked around the cow and cat blocking the way. Fu Luoyin turned on the light and saw Lin Shuicheng's face turned red.

Fu Luoyin found it a bit funny, so he sat down next to him and said, "Go cook."

Lin Shuicheng was very obedient and would go if he was asked. He took a bath and cooked. Fu Luoyin held a conference call from afternoon until dark, and when he came back, hot meals were already served on the table.

He made a pot of mutton and a large plate of chicken, fried cabbage, and cut some cucumber shreds for a refreshing side dish. After finishing this side, the garlic eggplant was also out of the oven on the other side, and the aroma was full of fragrance. In addition to these, he also found a soup stove, prepared a clear soup hot pot, and placed vegetables next to it for blanching.

Fu Luoyin opened the seat and sat down, saying, "There are only two of us, so we don't have to do so much in the future."

Lin Shuicheng said: "But today is a good time to eat hot pot. I also want to make other delicious things for you."

There was lightning and thunder outside, heavy rain was pouring, and the temperature dropped sharply. It was indeed a good time to eat something hot. Fu Luoyin took a spoonful of the soup and drank it. It was indeed fragrant on the teeth and cheeks, and warmed into the stomach.

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