chapter 7

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The next day, Lin Shuicheng found out that he had been reported by someone with his real name, and the other party questioned whether his admission score had been falsified.

Although it was his real name, he had no impression of the other person's name at all. If Lu Jian hadn't come to tell him the news, he would have remembered that Wang Pinyuan had asked him for his student status information yesterday.

Lin Shuicheng was pulled out by Xu Mengmeng and took out his mobile phone to read the school's report handling announcement. Xu Mengmeng asked him: "Xiao Lin, have you offended someone?"

Lin Shuicheng said: "I have no impression. I don't know anyone here."

Someone came over and asked what was going on. After understanding the cause and effect without knowing it, they also secretly ran over to take a look. On the other side, as soon as Ou Qian entered the laboratory, someone called her over to watch the gossip, and whispered: "Lin Shuicheng reported him! He said his score was false. He reported it last night, and the results have not been released today."

Ou Qian pretended to be surprised: "Ah? How could this happen?"

She was a student in the main department. She knew early on that Lin Shuicheng was now close to Fu Luoyin. She was transferred from the branch, which definitely affected Fu Luoyin's connections.

She made a little mention at the dinner table yesterday, and immediately some people couldn't sit still. I guess they were all considered to be from several colleges. If the report was not successful, they would have to face each other in a laboratory without looking up, so they asked others to help report the report. No one knew the name of the reporter.

A boy sitting at the table writing a report lowered his head and said: "It may not be that he has offended anyone. If others suspect it, just report it directly. There is nothing to say. He is from the Jiangnan branch, and the undergraduate admission score is directly higher than that of our headquarters. It's 40 or 50 points lower, tsk. Xingda University doesn't have a postgraduate guarantee system. We worked hard to get in, and we didn't let the alliance use real money to help the poor."

This boy's name is An Ruyi, and he is also a student that Wang Pinyuan personally brought to the project team. He is not impressive in appearance and usually lives alone. No one in the team likes him very much, but his data analysis is top-notch, and the project team cannot do without him.

Xu Mengmeng said: "Why do you speak so harshly? Isn't the result yet?"

An Ruyi sneered: "You are helping him speak now, maybe the spot that is squeezed out is your own. This project started yesterday, and you are already in the second year of graduate school. How come there are no projects directly followed by the instructor?"

Xu Mengmeng was so angry that she almost yelled: "--You know what the hell, do you think you can talk like that!"

Ou Qian quickly grabbed her and said, "Sister, don't be angry."

Lin Shuicheng glanced at An Ruyi.

He was in the same group as him, but the other party didn't like him, and after a few days, he knew it.

But he was too lazy to find out why others didn't like him. When dealing with someone in a laboratory, he could just hand over the affairs seriously when they met, and there weren't that many interpersonal relationships to take care of.

The laboratory door was pushed open, and Wang Pinyuan arrived late today.

As soon as he arrived, the voices of discussion in the laboratory subsided, and the tense moment just now no longer existed.

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