chapter 109 extra

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Lin Shuicheng cooked a table of dishes. Compared with before, he was responsible for all the processes. Now he only needs to be responsible for the cooking stage.

Fu Luoyin and Lin were all responsible for physical labor such as shredding, blanching, plating and making noodles.

Today he made Coke chicken wings, steamed eggs with minced meat, and oxtail with tomatoes and potatoes. The rest was prepared raw meat slices, vegetables and fruits, and made a mandarin duck hot pot.

Lin Dang shouted: "Brother! How about we bring that small grill up, half of it is used to cook hot pot and the other half is grilled!"

Lin Shuicheng sighed: "If you want to eat it, you can make it yourself. I don't want to move. That one is very smokey. It's hard to clean up."

Lin and others muttered: "I'll ask the housekeeping aunt to come up and clean up later." However, he was too lazy and stopped doing it.

Fu Luoyin, a chili lover, was ordered by Lin Shuicheng not to eat spicy food. Even his seat was assigned to the side facing the bone soup pot. He could only look at the hot spicy soup pot on the other side: "Lin Shuicheng, Teacher Xiao Lin, let me Take one bite, just one bite."

Lin Shuicheng: "No."

Lin and others were eating their rice with a smile. When they were halfway laughing, they heard Lin Shuicheng ask: "What did you eat during the more than a month I was gone?"

Lin and others said to him Fu Luoyin quickly looked at each other and said in unison: "Canteen."

These two words were so loud that Lin Shuicheng was stunned for a moment: "Oh..."

Lin and others added: "It's very miserable."

Fu Luoyin Yin echoed, "It's too bad. There's no chili in the cafeteria. You know that cafeteria in the Seventh Division."

Until the meal was finished, neither Lin nor Fu Luoyin found a chance to destroy the snacks outside.

Fu Luoyin had another conference call, while Lin and others were detained by Lin Shuicheng in the living room to do their homework. The two of them couldn't find a chance to go out and pack away the snacks, nor did they have a chance to complete each other's tasks, so they could only worry.

After Lin finished writing a set of test papers, it was already 10:30 in the evening. Lin Shuicheng continued to tidy up the room and threw all the unused debris into the buffer area outside the door. Every time he went out, the two people inside would be frightened.

The last time Lin Shuicheng tidied up was particularly long, and he stayed outside for several minutes.
Fu Luoyin's conference call was on. After waiting for a long time, Lin couldn't bear it anymore. He threw down the test paper and went out to find Lin Shuicheng with the little gray cat in his arms.

He said slowly: "Brother."

Lin Shuicheng was half-kneeling on the ground looking at a storage box. Hearing this, he looked up at him and said, "Huh? What's wrong?"

Lin and others smiled innocently and said: "Brother, I finished writing the paper, but I can't find the answer. Can you find it later? Can you help me approve it? There are four sets in total, two sets of chemistry papers, one set of mathematics papers, and one set of physics papers."

"Okay, you can play around first, take a rest, do a listening test before going to bed, and then go to bed. The wrong questions will be ordered tomorrow. Lin Shuicheng said.

Seeing that Lin Dang was still there coyly, he asked: "Is there anything else?"

Lin Dang looked back at Fu Luoyin, made his hands like a trumpet, and asked in a low voice: "I want to know when you two will get married. --"

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