chapter 15

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Every year, Xingda University has students who are unable to graduate, and it is very rigorous about academic matters.

Undergraduate students who cheat will be directly expelled from school and their qualifications for postgraduate study will be cancelled. Those who falsify graduate programs and fabricate data will be directly expelled and will be blacklisted in the academic credit system.

The affairs of Lin Shuicheng's group can be big or small, because Lin Shuicheng is a member of the group, and he created the data, ppt, and papers by himself. In theory, there is no problem with the group work, but others are not doing anything, and everyone is also It's all in sight. The Department of Quantum Analysis has made a big mistake, and everyone is well aware of it.

Lin Shuicheng made a trip to the Academic Affairs Office, and the final result came down. Ou Qian, as the team leader, was given a major demerit, the whole school circulated the criticism, and Lu Jian, An Ruyi, and Meng Yi were given verbal warnings.

Wang Pinyuan was on a business trip these days, so Lin Shuicheng went over to plead for mercy: "The teacher is not here, the content of the paper has been checked and there are no problems, the division of labor in the group is improper, and it has nothing to do with the teacher."

The people in the Academic Affairs Office already had a good relationship with Wang Pinyuan, and they knew that as a tutor, they really didn't have that much time to care about the intrigues among students, so they just turned a blind eye.

He called Wang Pinyuan. Wang Pinyuan was in a bad mood, but he was still very gentle to him: "Don't blame yourself. This matter is not your problem. You gave the opportunity to them. They didn't participate in the whole process. It's them." Question, Xiaolin, don’t be affected by this matter."

Lin Shuicheng said: "Okay."

He sent a message to the other team members except Ou Qian: "I'm sorry, I happened to take leave and couldn't come, which caused trouble for everyone. I have contacted the teacher of the Academic Affairs Office. You can rest assured that it will not be recorded in the academic file. . I’ll treat you all to dinner another day to apologize.”

The other students all knew who the only person with a major demerit was - Ou Qian took the blame, and naturally heaved a sigh of relief.

Lu Jian quickly replied: "It's okay, it's okay. You were asked to do it alone, but Ou Qian didn't inform us. In the end, it was the team leader's fault. She put you behind. We all thought you let us do it on purpose. You asked for leave again and didn’t come, and we forgot to ask you. It’s us who want to treat you to dinner!”

An Ruyi didn't like him, but she knew clearly that she was unreasonable in this matter, so she apologized to him: "I didn't know about this matter. I was wrong. I'm sorry. I won't be able to finish my research in the future, so I can contact him." I'll help. Thank you for your hard work this time, thank you for helping us."

Meng Yi was obedient, and the child felt that he was definitely going to be expelled. He was so grateful that he couldn't wait to commit himself to him.As for Xu Mengmeng, she slept at home all day to catch up on her sleep, only to find that everything had turned upside down when she got up the next day. As soon as she opened her eyes in the morning, she was bombarded by all kinds of news. Then she browsed the school posts on Lu Tienan, and saw at a glance the topic about the defense team that was labeled as hot. She made countless phone calls to Lin Shuicheng in horror.

After understanding the whole story, she almost laughed out loud on the phone: "Junior brother, you did a great job! Now no one can blame you, they all say it's Ou Qian's fault. Who doesn't know how to speak? If you don't have that diamond, don't do it." Take the porcelain job. But Junior Brother Xiaolin, I heard that your boyfriend kicked the teaching assistant?"

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