chapter 94

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"Go back and evacuate immediately! Don't reveal what happened today." Fu Luoyin shouted in a low voice,

"Retrial! Let's see what other tricks he can spit out from his mouth!"

Lin Shuicheng was already in a sick state. It was obvious that his whole body was shaking and his teeth were chattering. The word "god" was like a bolt from the blue, which directly stunned everyone present, including Lin Shuicheng himself.

Fu Luoyin simply picked him up and rushed out quickly.

He whispered: "It's okay, it's okay, he scared you on purpose. It's okay. Who knows what that madman means? Don't care, Lin Shuicheng, don't care."
Lin Shuicheng leaned in his arms, biting his lip and grabbing his hand. His hands were so hard that they turned white, and his eyes were almost desperate. He whispered: "I'm not, I'm not..."

"I know." Fu Luoyin hugged him closer. He walked quickly, Jiuchu and Personnel from the Seventh Division were in front to clear the way for them. He urgently thought of words to coax him: "If you are, then the head of our family can dance with the bread and butter, right?"

Under such circumstances, when he said this sentence, Basically without any convincing, Fu Luoyin looked at him nervously. Although his face was still expressionless, he still subconsciously held him tightly, as if no force in the world could separate them.

Lin Shuicheng looked at him. After a long, long time, he slowly calmed down and relaxed his body.

Fu Luoyin bent down and carried him into the car, then sat next to him.

The accompanying doctor came over and asked Fu Luoyin: "Does Mr. Lin need a sedative?"

Fu Luoyin touched Lin Shuicheng's head and realized that his condition was still not right, so he asked in a low voice: "How about we take a nap?" Okay? Go to bed and you'll be home."
Lin Shuicheng said nothing.
The doctor gave Lin Shuicheng a sedative.

After a while, Lin Shuicheng fell asleep.

Fu Luoyin held him in his arms and looked at him for a long time.
After a long, long time, he closed his eyes and rested his chin on Lin Shuicheng's shoulder.

The vehicle drove toward home silently.

Fu Luoyin stretched out his hand and gently touched Lin Shuicheng's cheek. He breathed softly and touched the teardrop mole at the end of Lin Shuicheng's eye.

"I fell asleep so quickly." Fu Luoyin said in a low voice, with a smile on his lips. The smile was a bit bitter and his voice was quite hoarse. "You want me to hold you and help you, and you make me worry so easily. , but I'm still angry with you, Lin Shuicheng."

"What do you want me to do, what do you want me to do?"

When Lin Shuicheng woke up, he heard Su Yu talking to Fu Luoyin in the corridor of the room.

He hadn't seen Su Yu for a long time, and he didn't expect Su Yu to come here at this time. He and Fu Luoyin spoke in very low voices, as if they were afraid of waking him up.
Lin Shuicheng sat up from the bed, wrapped himself in a quilt, and listened quietly.

Fu Luoyin is being trained.
"Is there anyone like you? Sister-in-law, he has had so many things happen to him and he is in a bad state. You still irritate him like this. I know you are angry. I know that you don't look at me like this. It's all over now. Stop torturing each other. Well." Su Yu's voice was muffled, "Look at it, it's not that you two are not suitable, it's just that you don't have that fate. Is it useful for you to be angry? Is it useful to be angry? Fu Er, ah?"

"My brother is dead, and I met It's his turn, this is my fate with him." Fu Luoyin answered firmly.

"Then what's the point of being in such a stalemate with my sister-in-law now? If you figure it out, let it go as soon as possible, or you two can have a good talk -" "

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