chapter 44

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Lin Shuicheng tried hard to steady his voice: "Did you...did you give me that note?"

The man didn't say anything, but just asked him: "Can you sit in my car safely now?"

Lin Shuicheng slowly relaxed his hand on the car door handle.

The man slowly increased his speed, drove into the traffic, and continued to drive smoothly. He told Lin Shuicheng: "Put water on the side and some painkillers. You can take some if you feel uncomfortable."

Lin Shuicheng saw the bottle of mineral water. The pain in the back of his head was still continuing, but he did not move. He whispered: "Thank you."

He looked at the records of the police calls that had received no response, and suddenly thought of something, and asked anxiously: "I...what happened to me, in the quantum experiment building..."

"Although the rule is that I can't tell you, judging from your recovery, you will be able to remember it in two or three days. I can tell you, but I need you to be honest and don't spread the word, let alone continue to look inside." The man warned. He looked at him and saw his calm face, frowning and thinking, and shook his head. "You and a professor named Luo Song were attacked in the Quantum Experiment Building. The professor's life was not as good as yours. He died. You took a hit and fainted there."

Lin Shuicheng was startled, and the flashbacks in his mind seemed to surge, making him feel like he was back in that nightmare.

He asked in a hoarse voice: "Is it because... the contents of the report were leaked?"

"Don't put pressure on yourself. This leak has nothing to do with either of you. It was leaked seven days ago." The man said, "As for you, my boss hopes that others don't know your existence, because you have already caused him too much trouble." What a hassle."

Lin Shuicheng repeated what he said: "Your boss?"

The man didn't answer him. He saw Lin Shuicheng's eyes in the rearview mirror - showing the haggardness and weakness just after waking up in the ward, but underneath that pitiful display of weakness were dormant probing and careful observation.

Not only was this young and beautiful student not as fragile as he showed, but he had quickly calmed down and tried to dig out any clues from him.

He smiled and said, "Student Lin must have learned a lot of criminal investigation techniques in the past few years. It's not that easy to trick me."

Seeing that he saw it, Lin Shuicheng stopped hiding it and whispered: "You have to tell me something behind the scenes. I am the victim and I have the right to know the truth. Why did you find me and send me to the hospital?" , won’t the police analyze the real situation based on trace inspection? There were many people present at the time, but today’s trace inspection methods can already distinguish more than 700 traces of activities that exist at the same time. Or are you yourself the police or a higher-level investigator? personnel?"

The man didn't speak, he narrowed his eyes and smiled.

Lin Shuicheng whispered: "You can't open that door a little to show me, and then refuse me entry in the end. Otherwise, I can't think of any reason why you wouldn't let me get involved. You can obviously leave me there, right?" Nothing will change what happens after that. You could could not tell me where he was buried, so why did you send me that note again?"

He tried to control the emotions in his voice so that his voice did not sound so trembling, "What value am I to you? Is it worth erasing all the traces of my existence in Chu Shihan's life?"

The man raised his eyebrows: "Did you notice?"

Lin Shuicheng said: "I attend the annual chemistry summit with him, but in all news records, my and his names do not appear at the same time, and the photos that appear at the same time are post-processed or simply removed; the communication company cannot find me and him. Even the contact records of General Hemuya were not found in my social network."

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