chapter 107

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The explosion sounded from far to near, shaking the windows.

"Is it thundering?" Jin Li pulled the coordinate frame on the page. After hearing the sound, he turned back to check alertly. His actions attracted the attention of the woman next to him, and the cold muzzle of the gun pressed against the back of his neck:
" Don't move, don't ask about things you shouldn't ask about, and concentrate on your business!"

Several RANDOM guards guarding the door of the monitoring room have left on their own, and there is a strange silence in the surrounding air.

Jin Li typed on the keyboard for a while, then stood up and looked outside: "Did something happen? I really feel something is wrong. Miss, what's the matter? It's not a problem for us to stay here and wait to die! There is an old saying As long as the mountains remain green and the rivers flow, we might still have a chance of survival if we run away early... Were those sounds just the sound of explosions? Are we trapped here?"

His eyebrows twisted up, and his blue eyes were full of hope. Terrified.

The female organization member took a look at the message system. There was no news. She was a little panicked at this time. She suppressed the emotion, got up and said, "Don't run around. I'll go out and take a look."
However, she only walked as far as She discovered it right next to the door - the roar of helicopters could be heard in the distance, more than one, and the fuselage was painted dark blue, which was the logo of the Defense Bureau.

After being stunned for two seconds, she wanted to look back at Jin Li, but the cold muzzle of a gun was already pressed against the back of her head.

Jin Li raised his eyebrows and stood behind her: "Madam, I really can't believe you can be so stupid. What I just did in front of you was not a fluid state machine, but a messaging system network." The
woman turned around suddenly Wanting to resist violently, Jin Li easily pinched her shoulders and hit the side of her neck hard with the butt of his gun!

After confirming that she had fainted, Jin Li found the set of ropes that had tied him up and tied her tightly: "It's a pity that you missed a good opportunity to win over me. I won't even give you chicken drumsticks and burgers. You guys What kind of Party A are you talking about?"

He quickly packed an equipment bag and brought out all the medical equipment he could find, taking the computer with him. He was all packed up and rushed into the rain: "Xiao Mr. Fu, Mr. Xiao Lin, I'm here to save you! Remember to give me an additional 50% salary increase!!" The
wind blew and the roar of the helicopter swept over. , splashing rain all over the ground.


Alliance Star City Third Hospital, outside the ICU ward.

The alarm has been lifted, and there are more people walking around the hospital compared to the previous coldness during the war.

Fu Luoyin had half of his ribs broken and the palm of his right hand had a penetrating injury. He was covered in tubes and could barely breathe.

When the nano bomb was dropped, although it formed a directional fan-shaped strike, Fu Luoyin still suffered a very serious impact due to the close distance. His broken ribs compressed his lungs, and some of his body surface was burned. Internal bleeding caused a series of serious sequelae, and he is still in coma.

Fortunately, the sniper on the mountain was frightened by Fu Luoyin's glance. He thought that the document bag in Fu Luoyin's hand contained a deadly weapon, so he temporarily changed the direction of the sniper attack and did not injure any vital points. Otherwise, Fu Luoyin would have It’s really hard to save the gods.

The doctor said that he might wake up, or he might never wake up. Depending on the severity of the injury, he might suddenly leave one day and stop breathing in his sleep.
Lin Shuicheng sat outside the door of the ICU ward, quietly looking at the people inside the isolation glass.

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