chapter 97

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This underground combat readiness center, the combat readiness team calls it "Old Seventh Division".
Lin Shuicheng stayed here all day, with guards changing to monitor him every two hours, and three meals a day were delivered from outside. The underground is damp and dark, and the incandescent lights are on from morning to night, making it impossible to distinguish between day and night.

Occasionally, the combat readiness team would hold regular meetings, and Lin Shuicheng would listen in. Most of the time, he was not allowed to move around and could only stay in this claustrophobic room.

Most of the people here are from the space agency, and their attitude towards him is very subtle - they don't value him as much as the people from the 9th Office, but they don't treat him as dispensable either.

In private, some people jokingly nicknamed him and called him "god" jokingly. Lin Shuicheng heard this occasionally but had no reaction.
On the fifth day after arriving, an old acquaintance appeared in Lin Shuicheng's workroom.

Jin Li dragged his suitcase and moved in carelessly, bringing two assistants with him.

When he saw Lin Shuicheng, he whistled directly to say hello: "It's fate, my second boss. It seems that we will work together for a while."
Lin Shuicheng raised his eyes and looked at him.

Jin Li was already spinning around, his blue eyes widened, and he complained about the living facilities here: "What is this? You dare to call it a bed with a latex mattress on the folding spring? Tsk... Can you order dinner?" I want to eat fried chicken."

The member of the combat readiness team who brought him in said expressionlessly: "This is wartime, this is the front line, there is not much room for you to be picky, I hope you understand."

"Food is my driving force , my brain and body are key weapons in war." Jin Li piled his luggage on the camp bed and pointed at Lin Shuicheng, "His too, is this how you treat God's key? He used it for three days Time forced me to make two hundred plans!"

Combat readiness team member: "..."

The guard took out a pen and recorded it, and then said: "We will report this situation to our superiors."

During dinner, outside delivery A large portion of fried chicken came, piled into a mountain. In addition, there were also much more exquisite meal box sets and cut fruits.

Jin Li invited Lin Shuicheng to eat with him: "Come on, buddy, are you eating bird food again these days?"

Lin Shuicheng said quietly: "It's not bird food. But, thank you."

"You're welcome, Your brain needs insurance just like your body. I am contributing to the alliance." Jin Li put on his gloves and tore into the fried chicken. The fragrant hot gravy dripped down the golden and crispy shell, and he gave Lin Shuicheng a piece of it.

Lin Shuicheng asked: "Why did you come here?"

Jin Li shrugged: "For B4. They arrested me and asked me to continue B4."

Lin Shuicheng frowned and repeated: "B4?"

"Yes, They asked me to proceed with the B4 plan as usual." Jin Li told him in a low voice, "I have observed clearly that most of the combat preparation team are people from the space agency, that is, the female general's subordinates. I also listen to her gossip. They are probably the ones with a tougher and more arbitrary style in the alliance. I heard them hold several meetings - did you go and listen?"

Lin Shuicheng shook his head and said quietly: "They didn't let me listen."

It's okay not to let you listen. In fact, they don't value you that much, and they know that you are Mr. Fu's. The reason why the female general agreed to trade you for my old employer, I think you used some tricks." Right?"
Jin Li glanced at him with his astonishing acuity that was familiar with the world, and then added, "But this is not important. The combat preparation team still believes that the key to solving the case lies in Chu In Shi Han's case, what the female general wanted to rectify at this time was actually the academic world. The logic is also very simple. Since RANDOM is a high-tech organization, the top leaders of the academic community must not be very innocent. And when Chu Shihan was in Before she was killed, she took the initiative to contact her and said that she wanted to talk about some issues in academia - buddy, regardless of the topic of you being the biggest suspect, she suspected that Chu Shihan and B4 had touched some people's cakes."

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