chapter 24

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The entanglement between Lin Shuicheng and the department, and the forum battle are still going on.

Alliance Star City University is the top university in the alliance. The students there are definitely not nerds who only listen to the teachers. Since ancient times, the student force has been the youngest, sharpest and energetic group, although sometimes it is easy to be incited. , will appear relatively immature, but they will never be silent when they should speak up.

An Ruyi was the first to hack the school's forum, and students from other departments followed suit. Among them, the students represented by the School of Mathematics were the most excited.

The president of the student union also spoke on behalf of the class: "We are already aware of Lin Shuicheng's situation. As student representatives, we will negotiate with the departments. History tells us that when conflicts occur, we cannot use conflicts to vent our emotions or expand conflicts at will. Our appeal is just to resolve the conflict and identify the subject and object of the conflict. It is not easy for everyone and the teachers. Let us first discuss a few feasible methods to see if we can help Mr. Lin. Let us not change the topic or diverge. Too many, we only focus on this one thing."

"First, whether we should contact the outside world to speak out, the matter can be big or small. Once we speak out, the conflict will escalate into a conflict between students and the entire school, and we will have more opponents. The school student union does not recommend this."

"Second, is there anyone with knowledge of the project, such as AI majors from the School of Art and the School of Computer Science, who can provide some help? Let's brainstorm, not only for Lin, but also for the sake of our Xingxing University students."

"Third, if the project is unsuccessful, can we make reasonable demands to help the entire School of Mathematics be exempted from liability? Do we need to report this situation that the task allocation does not match the majors of the school to the outside world? I hope that the above can issue corresponding policies to adjust."

The Star Student Union has always been an organization whose status fluctuates in the hearts of students, mainly depending on the performance of each student union president.

It is said that when it was in decline, even with the financial support of the school father, it could not recruit people, but when it was prosperous, various projects and public welfare activities were not neglected. When all students encountered problems, they would immediately seek help from the student union.

In recent years, the student union has been in a state of disbelief. Students have ignored problems and organized activities in disarray. People are constantly reminiscing about the glorious past and talking about how prosperous it was when Chairman XX was here. It means sighing that there are no heroes to make Shuzi famous.

The chairman did a great job in his speech today, and someone quickly replied to Lou: "Okay, the student union didn't get into trouble this time. Isn't it good?"

Follow the floor: "Because there has been a change under the skin. It is the new chairman who was elected during the junior year last week, Han Huang from the School of Finance."

"I've never heard of him, would you like to learn more about it? There was a guy named this guy in the robotics department before, wasn't he? Han Huang, the robot guy, must have been graduating for a year."

"There is also a person named Han Huang in the Chemistry Department of Jiangnan Branch. I don't know..."

"No, you guys above are all right. The Department of Robotics, the Department of Chemistry, and now the Department of Finance are all the same person. Han Huang studied robotics at the beginning, but after one year he dropped out and retook the Chemistry Department. He majored in Chemistry. Two years later, he changed his major and came to the School of Finance. He said that it was too difficult to engage in scientific research so he could go back and inherit the family business. His family was the richest man in the old Middle East branch. Do you understand? By the way, in addition to being the president of the student union, he was also elected as the simulated student for three consecutive years. The best debater in the operation competition and the record holder of the highest operation KPI.”

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