chapter 68

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Lin Shuicheng didn't speak much. He listened carefully to Lu Shengwen talking to him with a smile throughout the whole process, and drank a few sips of wine from time to time.

Later, Lu Shengwen and Yan Zi had a happy conversation, and they decided to sign the contract on the spot. The secretaries and assistants on both sides rushed to draft the contract. Lu Shengwen's curiosity was completely piqued. With Lin Shuicheng's verbal guarantee, he was afraid that the road to organic medicine would be blocked by the Su family: Even if it was a trap, he was willing to hold his neck!

Cooperating with the Su family is not a disadvantage. He has never let go before, and he is just unwilling to give up the possibility of annexing the Su family's market.

Fu Xue stood up and left her seat with a pale face, her face looked very ugly.

The bosses on both sides went to sign the contract. Su Yu finally breathed a sigh of relief and began to eat steak in a relaxed manner.

While he was eating, he said to Lin Shuicheng: "Sister-in-law, you have helped our family a lot this time. You can't give us that book for free. The annual salary of our specially hired experts can go up to two million, with patents There are three contract modes: buyout. My mother will definitely give you a gradient share contract, which means that you will become a technical investor. I will transfer you millions of earnest money later. Really! Sister-in-law, don’t be polite to us. It’s your fault, otherwise our Su family will suffer a great deal. We have principles.”

Lin Shuicheng lowered his head and smiled, but the smile was very light, as if he wasn't that happy. In other words, this kind of thing was commonplace, so he was very calm: "Thank you."

"Furthermore..." Su Yu laughed, emboldened by his gaze. He noticed that Fu Luoyin was still watching in their direction, feeling a bit nervous yet sincerely continued whispering in Lin Shuicheng's ear, "About that thing you mentioned, pursuing me... hehe, I think it's unnecessary. I appreciate your kindness, sister-in-law, but the favor you mentioned earlier, you've already repaid today. Besides, we're all friends, why bother with these trivial matters? Moreover, I'm sure your feelings for me aren't the kind one has for a lover, right? I'd rather find someone who likes me and whom I also like. That way, marriage would be more meaningful, don't you think?"

Lin Shuicheng said: "Yeah."

He looked at Su Yu explaining to him seriously - as if she was still afraid that he would be sad, so he couldn't help but smile again.

Su Yu asked curiously: "Sister-in-law, why are you laughing?"

"You resemble deng deng a lot," Lin Shuicheng observed quietly. "If deng deng grows up normally, he should be a likable person, just like you."

Su Yu was fine at first, but when Lin Shuicheng glanced over and spoke in such a gentle tone, he couldn't help but be impressed by the beauty again, and his heart started beating wildly.

Su Yu was embarrassed: "I, I'm two years older than you, sister-in-law..."

Lin Shuicheng pushed the untouched items on his plate to him: "Eat more, I'll go outside to get some fresh air."

Lin Shuicheng stood up and left his seat. At the same time, Fu Luoyin also left his seat and followed in his direction involuntarily.

Fu Luoyin couldn't explain why, it was as if Lin Shuicheng was a magnet that could attract his attention anytime and anywhere, and he became the center of his world.

Everyone at the table was paying attention to the conversation between Lu Shengwen and Lin Shuicheng, but Fu Luoyin only had Lin Shuicheng in mind.

He noticed that a whole morning and noon had passed, and Lin Shuicheng hadn't eaten anything.

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