chapter 5

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Fu Luoyin's illness lasted for two days and he recovered quickly.

The personal doctor said: "You have been in the Jiangnan branch for a long time and have not adjusted to the acclimatization. It should be the imbalance of the flora caused by the water quality problem here. Pay attention to slowly adjusting the diet in the past few days and pay attention to eating a light diet. Don't overwork yourself and rest appropriately. You should be under a lot of pressure, but you must pay attention to adjusting your work and rest routine. Regular work and rest is the most important thing."

Fu Luoyin said: "I understand."

If he could find time to rest, would he still need to do this?

The doctor prescribed probiotics for him, and after Fu Luoyin drank it, he went to the seventh place for a meeting.

The Seventh Department is an independent department independent of all political institutions of the alliance, and is not affiliated with any authority. The content it is responsible for is directly related to alliance technology, space defense and the direction of various fields in the next twenty years.

Fu's company's b4 plan was temporarily terminated due to Chu Shihan's accident. Now that Fu Luoyin has returned to Star City and entered the seventh place, the first issue is still for him to restart b4.

"Xiao Fu, let me tell you the truth. The analysis is very powerful. It is not impossible to restart an investigation team, but it will become very complicated when it involves all aspects." Xiao Jue, the director of the Seventh Division, is a gentle middle-aged man. "As I said last time, it has been two years since the child Shihan went away. Your father personally terminated the investigation results. Everyone knows this. This is a sure thing. If we make this happen again, not only will the outside world think that we have abused Resources will also affect the credibility of Branch 7. Let's get it out of the way now. The B4 project would not be possible without you and your family's support. I understand that you were at the base when the incident occurred and had no contact with the outside world. The time for the special investigation was missed. I also hope that you will not affect the entire Seventh Branch because of your personal emotions. We will consider this matter. We discussed it and reported it as we did two years ago. However, the task force cannot continue to do what it did then. We were all ready. In order to confirm whether there was something wrong with the data in Shihan's hands, we invited the best quantum analysts from the Xiao family to restore the scene through massive calculations and confirmed that it was most likely an accident. But now, if the B4 plan is not blocked, such manpower may..."

"I understand." Fu Luoyin said, "I hope this case can be investigated from a criminal aspect without data analysis. I will arrange the details myself."

Both sides took a step back, and Xiao Jue nodded: "It doesn't matter if you have your own manpower channels. Once approved by the superiors, you can go ahead and do it. You should also give an explanation to the elderly at home."

There are a bunch of old men in the Seventh Department, the youngest is Fu Luoyin, and there is also an intern in his early twenties.

After a meeting, Fu Luoyin only felt a headache and a slight pain in his stomach. His stomach pain was an old problem. Anyone who knew him well knew that it was caused when he was still in the army.

At that time, Fu Kai disagreed with his relationship with Xia Ran and used thunderous means to send him directly to the 8th Special Military Region, the most remote and stressful area in the alliance. Fu Luoyin was also a fiery man and endured the pain of life being worse than death for two years. Life, but my knee was injured, and I also suffered from this stomach problem.

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