chapter 102

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"The situation of Waiting has actually been very good. During the car accident, because Lin Wang immediately protected him in his arms, he avoided crushing injuries and penetrating injuries to a certain extent, except There are no other major sequelae of brain injury. The stimulation effect of the brain nerve area of ​​the third hospital has always been obvious. A few days ago, we have actually observed that the frequency range of brain nerve activity is close to the normal level. But because sister-in-law, you are still here I didn't notify you right away because I was busy. I'll call you when I wake up today."

In the Star City No. 3 Hospital, Lin Shuicheng walked quickly. Su Yu followed him upstairs at a trot, telling him as he walked: "Wait a minute. When he is young and has a good foundation, his body muscles are a little atrophied, but not serious; these later stages of rehabilitation can be completed. Now that he can speak a little, the first thing he calls when he wakes up is you."

Lin Shuicheng is usually calm. He is restrained and rarely has any major mood swings. The few times he does so are due to recent major league events. In Su Yu's impression, Lin Shuicheng rarely even let go of his emotions and smiled. At this moment, fresh emotions finally appeared in him, which were gratitude and happiness from the heart.

Along the way, Lin Shuicheng thanked them so many times that Su Yu even felt embarrassed: "It's all thanks to the machine. Besides, our family is engaged in the medical industry for the recovery of patients. Sister-in-law, go ahead and wait." We have to stay in the ICU for observation for a while, so don't delay."

Su Yu also knew that the alliance's front line has been tight recently. During this period, people have been casualties when fighting against the RANDOM organization. Like the Fu family, the Su family also tried its best to Having donated all the medical resources, raw materials and equipment that could be supplied, Yan Zi has been very busy organizing medical supplies recently.

Lin Shuicheng was able to come over to see Lin and others today because he took leave from the combat readiness team, and the time was only two hours.

Lin and others had just graduated from junior high school and were only fourteen years old when the accident happened. Now six years later, he is already twenty years old.
The boy on the hospital bed couldn't tell his age. His skin was pale and his body was thin. He still looked like a junior high school student. He is as handsome as Lin Shuicheng, but unlike him who has been calm and calm since childhood, Lin Dang has been a little bad-tempered since he was a child. He has a cheerful personality and is good-natured on the surface. He also likes to act coquettishly towards adults secretly. He is most afraid of Lin Shuicheng in the whole family, but Also the most attached to him.

When Lin Shuicheng came in, Lin Deng was sitting against the hospital bed - he had been transferred to the general ward. A movie was playing on the projector screen, and Lin Dang was watching the mottled and changing colors intently.

Hearing the sound, Lin Zang turned around to look at Lin Shuicheng.
Lin Shuicheng stood by the door and did not move.

Lin Zang still couldn't speak smoothly. After trying hard for a while, he slowly called him: "Brother." He
tilted his head again: "Brother, you are more beautiful than before. Let me touch you." It's not true."

Lin Shuicheng smiled. He walked over and sat beside the bed, stretched out his hands and hugged Lin Dang tightly into his arms.

The fresh body temperature and the familiar tone all reminded him that the hopeless burden that had been accumulating in his heart for a long time had finally disappeared. This was the hope of survival from a desperate situation. It was a small probability event that Lin Shuicheng had never thought of in his life. It destroyed him, but also gave him new hope.

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