chapter 39

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Lin Shuicheng read it again, reading the manuscript assigned to him for review from beginning to end, and confirmed: this manuscript was completely based on the content of his last report. Although it is marked as "following the example", the entire data and situation are exactly the same as his report!

The report was closed at that time, and the school almost blocked the news afterwards - even with the results of the massive vote at the student forum, the official did not issue any statement to indicate that he had cracked the famous painting case. On the publicly available page of the Police General Affairs Department, the collection status of this famous painting case has always been "unsolved."

Hemuya's bodyguard Xu Hang called him to tell him about this, urging him to write a report by himself and go through the process, and for the sake of his personal safety, he needed his cooperation not to publish it to the public.

Lin Shuicheng has been busy recently, and he has repeatedly postponed the writing of the report, and he hasn't even written a word yet.

But now the paper that uses the core data, logical core, and case key that he came up with has appeared in the submission review of tfcjo - someone used his idea to write a paper for submission, and found an academic journal to submit it for review before him. . If he wanted to complain to the other party on the grounds of "plagiarism", he wouldn't even be able to stand!

——Why should he use "unpublished content" to accuse the other party of plagiarism?

The system is double-blind, and the other party does not know who will review his manuscript, nor who is under his vixeruntid; but at the same time, Lin Shuicheng does not know who the other party is, and can only roughly lock in a range.

It could only be one of the people who came to the report meeting that day.

Lin Shuicheng lowered his eyes, gently loosened his fingers holding the electronic pen, lowered his head and hugged the chief into his arms.

He leaned back slightly on the sofa, with some faint fatigue hidden in his eyes.

The cow cat doesn't like too close contact, which will make it feel oppressive - it struggled uncomfortably for a while, then fell down obediently, nestled against his chest, stretched out its pink little tongue and licked his His cheeks seemed to be able to tell his uneasiness.

The cell phone placed on the sofa rang. Lin Shuicheng opened his eyes and looked at it. It was Fu Luoyin calling.

Although there was no note, this string of numbers was already familiar to him.

Lin Shuicheng looked at the light on his phone and did not move.

After a moment, the screen went off and then on again, and Fu Luoyin made a second call.

Lin Shuicheng pressed the answer button, then turned on the speakerphone. Just like last time, he adjusted the sound to a suitable level, then held the cat motionless and listened quietly.

Fu Luoyin's deep voice came: "Hello?"

Lin Shuicheng said "hmm".

The cow cat didn't expect Fu Luoyin's voice to come from this shiny thing, so it immediately jumped up and stood warily on Lin Shuicheng and looked around. When it was discovered that Fu Luoyin did not appear, the cow cat seemed a little confused. Lin Shuicheng rubbed its furry little head and comforted it to lie down again.

Fu Luoyin was very keen. He heard the fatigue in his voice and asked, "What's wrong? You sound like you're not in good spirits."

Lin Shuicheng said: "I'm a little tired from reviewing the manuscript, and I'm just about to go to bed."

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